Side Toe Touch x2, V Step.
1-4Toe touch right to right side, tap right beside left, toe touch right to right side, tap right beside left
5-8Step forward and out on right, step forward and out on left. Step back and in on right, step back and in on left with a tap beside right
Side Toe Touch x2, V Step.
1-4Toe touch left to left side, tap left beside right, toe touch left to left side, tap left beside right
5-8Step forward and out on left, step forward and out on right. Step back and in on left, step back and in on right with a tap beside left.
Vine Right, Vine Left with ¼ Turn
1-4Step right to right side, left behind right, step right to right side, tap left beside right
5-8Step left to left side, right behind left, ¼ turn left on left, tap right beside left
K Step
1-2.Step right forward to right diagonal tap left next to right.
3-4.Step left back to left diagonal tap right next to left.
5-6.Step right back to right diagonal tap left next to right.
7-8.Step left forward to left diagonal tap right next to left.
1-4Toe touch right to right side, tap right beside left, toe touch right to right side, tap right beside left
5-8Step forward and out on right, step forward and out on left. Step back and in on right, step back and in on left with a tap beside right
Side Toe Touch x2, V Step.
1-4Toe touch left to left side, tap left beside right, toe touch left to left side, tap left beside right
5-8Step forward and out on left, step forward and out on right. Step back and in on left, step back and in on right with a tap beside left.
Vine Right, Vine Left with ¼ Turn
1-4Step right to right side, left behind right, step right to right side, tap left beside right
5-8Step left to left side, right behind left, ¼ turn left on left, tap right beside left
K Step
1-2.Step right forward to right diagonal tap left next to right.
3-4.Step left back to left diagonal tap right next to left.
5-6.Step right back to right diagonal tap left next to right.
7-8.Step left forward to left diagonal tap right next to left.