8 count intro, start on lyrics
[1-8] K step
1-2Step diagonal fwd R, touch L next to R
3-4Step back diagonal L, touch R next to L
5-6Step back diagonal R, touch L next to R
7-8Step diagonal fwd L, touch R next to L
[9-16] R weave, rock R, recover L, cross, hold
1-2-3-4Step R to R side, L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5-6-7-8Side rock R to R side, recover weight to L, cross R over L, hold 1 count
[17-24] L weave, ¼ turn Rock L, recover R, step back L, hold.
1-2-3-4Step L to L side, R behind L, step L to L side, Cross R over L
5-6-7-8Rock ¼ L to L side, recover R (facing 9:00), step back L, hold 1 count
[25-32] Sweep back R-L-R, hip roll- weight on R
1-2Sweep R foot back behind L, hold
3-4Sweep L foot back behind R, hold
5-6Sweep R foot back behind L, hold
7-8Hip roll (clockwise) weight ends on R
[33-40] Sweep back L-R-L , hip roll - weight on L
1-2Sweep L foot behind R, hold
3-4Sweep R foot behind L, hold
5-6Sweep L foot behind R, hold
7-8Hip roll (Clockwise), weight ends on L
[41-48] shuffle side R, ¼ shuffle L, sailor in place, sailor ¼ L
1 & 2Shuffle side R-L-R
3 & 4¼ Shuffle Left; L-R-L (weight on L foot) (12:00 wall)
5 & 6Sailor in place. R foot behind L, step out L side, step out R side
7 & 8Sailor ¼ Left. Left foot behind R, step out R side, ¼ turn step L (9:00 wall)
[49-56] ¼ turn left weight on R foot, L toe touch in-out-in, (rolling Vine) ¼ turn L, ½ turn L, ¼ turn L, hold.
1-2¼ turn left (weight on R foot) touch L foot next to R (6:00 wall)
3-4Touch R toe out to L side, Touch L toe next to R
5-6¼ pivot L (3:00 wall), ½ pivot over L shoulder (9:00 wall)
7-8¼ pivot L (6:00 wall), hold 1 count
(Tag end of wall 2 facing 12:00)
1&2Cross Rock R over L, recover L, step R to right side
3&4Cross rock L over R, recover R, step L to L side.
Restart dance from beginning.
Cowboy Bob DJ and Dance
Facebook: Cowboy Bob’s Dance Instruction
Youtube: @Cowboybobdanceinstruction
[1-8] K step
1-2Step diagonal fwd R, touch L next to R
3-4Step back diagonal L, touch R next to L
5-6Step back diagonal R, touch L next to R
7-8Step diagonal fwd L, touch R next to L
[9-16] R weave, rock R, recover L, cross, hold
1-2-3-4Step R to R side, L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
5-6-7-8Side rock R to R side, recover weight to L, cross R over L, hold 1 count
[17-24] L weave, ¼ turn Rock L, recover R, step back L, hold.
1-2-3-4Step L to L side, R behind L, step L to L side, Cross R over L
5-6-7-8Rock ¼ L to L side, recover R (facing 9:00), step back L, hold 1 count
[25-32] Sweep back R-L-R, hip roll- weight on R
1-2Sweep R foot back behind L, hold
3-4Sweep L foot back behind R, hold
5-6Sweep R foot back behind L, hold
7-8Hip roll (clockwise) weight ends on R
[33-40] Sweep back L-R-L , hip roll - weight on L
1-2Sweep L foot behind R, hold
3-4Sweep R foot behind L, hold
5-6Sweep L foot behind R, hold
7-8Hip roll (Clockwise), weight ends on L
[41-48] shuffle side R, ¼ shuffle L, sailor in place, sailor ¼ L
1 & 2Shuffle side R-L-R
3 & 4¼ Shuffle Left; L-R-L (weight on L foot) (12:00 wall)
5 & 6Sailor in place. R foot behind L, step out L side, step out R side
7 & 8Sailor ¼ Left. Left foot behind R, step out R side, ¼ turn step L (9:00 wall)
[49-56] ¼ turn left weight on R foot, L toe touch in-out-in, (rolling Vine) ¼ turn L, ½ turn L, ¼ turn L, hold.
1-2¼ turn left (weight on R foot) touch L foot next to R (6:00 wall)
3-4Touch R toe out to L side, Touch L toe next to R
5-6¼ pivot L (3:00 wall), ½ pivot over L shoulder (9:00 wall)
7-8¼ pivot L (6:00 wall), hold 1 count
(Tag end of wall 2 facing 12:00)
1&2Cross Rock R over L, recover L, step R to right side
3&4Cross rock L over R, recover R, step L to L side.
Restart dance from beginning.
Cowboy Bob DJ and Dance
Facebook: Cowboy Bob’s Dance Instruction
Youtube: @Cowboybobdanceinstruction