SEQ: 64-64-16-64-64-16-16-64-64-20-5
Diagonal FWD R, Touch L, Back L, Kick FWD R, Step Lock Step back R
1,2Step RF diagonally forward, step LF behind RF
3,4Step LF diagonally back, kick RF forward
5,6Step RF back, cross LF in front of RF
7,8Step RF back, hold
½ Turn L, Rock Step ½ Turn L, Scuff R, Toe Strut Turn ½ R, Toe Strut Turn ½ L, Hitch RF
1,2½ turn left and step LF forward, lift RF briefly, weight back on RF
3,4½ left turn and LF step forward, RF strong ground strut beside LF
5,6Touch down right toe in front, make a ½ turn to the left and put down right heel
7,8Step left toe back, make a ½ left turn and put left heel down. *
*Restart in 3rd ,6th & 7th wall.
Hitch RF, Weave R, Step R, Hook L, ¼ Turn L, Hitch R
1,2Raise RF slightly back, RF step right, cross LF behind RF
3,4Step right with left, cross left in front of right
5,6Step right with RF, cross LF in front of right knee
7,8Step LF forward with ¼ turn to the left, step RF up to the back
½ Rumba Box FWD R, Scuff L, Step L, Scuff R, Step R, Scuff L
1,2Step right to right side, step left to right side, step right to right side
3,4RF step forward, LF strong floor stride beside RF
5,6LF step to the left, RF strong floor stride beside LF
7,8RF step to the right, LF strong ground strip next to RF
½ Rumba Box back L, Scuff R, Grapevine R, Point L
1,2Step left with left hand, step right hand in next to left hand.
3,4LF step back, RF strong floor stripe next to LF
5,6Step right, cross left behind right
7,8Step right to right side, turn left toe in and step left a little to left side
Rolling Vine 1 ¼ L, Scuff R, diagonal FWD R, diagonal Step back L, stomp up R
1,2¼ left turn and LF step forward, ½ left turn and RF step back
3,4½ left turn and LF step forward, RF strong ground stride next to LF
5,6RF step diagonally forward, touch down LF beside RF
7,8LF step diagonally back, RF stomp next to LF and is lifted slightly
Kick FWD R, Back R, Kick FWD L, Back L, Point R, Point FWD R, Point R, Hitch R
1,2Kick RF forward, RF step back
3,4Kick LF forward, LF step back
5,6Touch right toe right, touch right toe front
7,8Touch right toe to right side, step right back up
Large Step diagonal FWD R, Step L, Hold, Rock back R, stomp R, Hold
1,2RF long step diagonally forward
3,4Touch down LF next to RF, hold
5,6Step RF back, lift LF slightly, weight back on LF
7,8Stomp RF beside LF, hold
On the 10th wall dance to count 20, then follow with
1,2Step right to right side, lift left slightly, put weight back on left.
3,4Step RF up beside LF twice
5Stomp RF in front
Diagonal FWD R, Touch L, Back L, Kick FWD R, Step Lock Step back R
1,2Step RF diagonally forward, step LF behind RF
3,4Step LF diagonally back, kick RF forward
5,6Step RF back, cross LF in front of RF
7,8Step RF back, hold
½ Turn L, Rock Step ½ Turn L, Scuff R, Toe Strut Turn ½ R, Toe Strut Turn ½ L, Hitch RF
1,2½ turn left and step LF forward, lift RF briefly, weight back on RF
3,4½ left turn and LF step forward, RF strong ground strut beside LF
5,6Touch down right toe in front, make a ½ turn to the left and put down right heel
7,8Step left toe back, make a ½ left turn and put left heel down. *
*Restart in 3rd ,6th & 7th wall.
Hitch RF, Weave R, Step R, Hook L, ¼ Turn L, Hitch R
1,2Raise RF slightly back, RF step right, cross LF behind RF
3,4Step right with left, cross left in front of right
5,6Step right with RF, cross LF in front of right knee
7,8Step LF forward with ¼ turn to the left, step RF up to the back
½ Rumba Box FWD R, Scuff L, Step L, Scuff R, Step R, Scuff L
1,2Step right to right side, step left to right side, step right to right side
3,4RF step forward, LF strong floor stride beside RF
5,6LF step to the left, RF strong floor stride beside LF
7,8RF step to the right, LF strong ground strip next to RF
½ Rumba Box back L, Scuff R, Grapevine R, Point L
1,2Step left with left hand, step right hand in next to left hand.
3,4LF step back, RF strong floor stripe next to LF
5,6Step right, cross left behind right
7,8Step right to right side, turn left toe in and step left a little to left side
Rolling Vine 1 ¼ L, Scuff R, diagonal FWD R, diagonal Step back L, stomp up R
1,2¼ left turn and LF step forward, ½ left turn and RF step back
3,4½ left turn and LF step forward, RF strong ground stride next to LF
5,6RF step diagonally forward, touch down LF beside RF
7,8LF step diagonally back, RF stomp next to LF and is lifted slightly
Kick FWD R, Back R, Kick FWD L, Back L, Point R, Point FWD R, Point R, Hitch R
1,2Kick RF forward, RF step back
3,4Kick LF forward, LF step back
5,6Touch right toe right, touch right toe front
7,8Touch right toe to right side, step right back up
Large Step diagonal FWD R, Step L, Hold, Rock back R, stomp R, Hold
1,2RF long step diagonally forward
3,4Touch down LF next to RF, hold
5,6Step RF back, lift LF slightly, weight back on LF
7,8Stomp RF beside LF, hold
On the 10th wall dance to count 20, then follow with
1,2Step right to right side, lift left slightly, put weight back on left.
3,4Step RF up beside LF twice
5Stomp RF in front