CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Heaven in a Stetson

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Linda LeClaire (USA) - October 2023
Heaven In A Stetson - Alexis Wilkins
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Step, lock, step, scuff, with right and left
1 – 4Step, lock, step, scuff, beginning with R foot (step R forward, lock L behind R, step R forward, scuff L)
5 - 8Step, lock, step, scuff, beginning with L foot (step L forward, Lock R behind L, step L forward, scuff R)

Chase turn ½, Pivot ½ and ¼, hold
1 - 4Chase turn (step right foot forward, pivot ½ left, (put weight on L), step R foot forward, hold
5 – 8Step L foot forward, pivot ½ right, (put weight on R), pivot ¼ right (put weight on L) (3/4 turn)

Lindy Right and Left
1 & 2Shuffle to the right (Step, together, step)
3 – 4Rock back on L, recover on R
5 & 6Shuffle to the left (Step, together, step)
7 – 8Rock back on R, recover on L

Step, kick, step, touch, four knee pops
1– 2Step R to right, kick L on diagonal (across R leg)
3– 4Step back on L, touch R next to L (your weight is now on your L foot)
5– 8Knee pops LRLF (start by transferring weight to R foot as you bend you L knee in, then R knee, repeat)
(optional: wave your arms in the air during the knee pops)

There are 3 restarts and one tag with a restart. On walls 3, 6 and 10, restart after 24 counts (after Lindy steps) On wall 3, you will be at 9:00.
On walls 6 and 10, you will be at 6:00.

Wall 7 is instrumental. That’s your clue that there is a tag and restart on the next wall: wall 8.

Tag: On wall 8, complete the first 16 counts, then shuffle to the right, rock back on L, and hook R over L. Restart with lock steps.

Following wall 10, it sounds like there should be more restarts, but it’s easier to just keep going, without adding more restarts.

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