CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Country Dance

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Easy Improver
Miriam Reesink (NZ) - July 2023
Country Dance - Aaron Goodvin
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*** 2nd place in the Improver division of the Rhythm & Rawhide Choreography Competitions, NZ, August 2023***
Dance starts after 16 counts

Section 1: Heel switches R/L/R, hold/clap, rock back, recover, walk forward R/L
1&2&3,4R heel front, together, L heel front, together, R heel front, hold/clap
5,6,7,8Rock weight back onto R, recover L, walk fwd R/L

Section 2: Grapevine R, L side touch, L front touch, L side touch, L flick behind R
1,2,3,4Step R to R, step L slightly behind R, step R to R, tap L next to R
5,6,7,8Weight on R, tap L out to L, tap L fwd in front of R, tap L out to L, flick L foot behind R knee

Section 3: Grapevine L with ¼ turn L, scuff R, forward R diagonal tap, back tap (front 1/2 K Step)
1,2,3,4Step L to L, step R slightly behind L, step fwd on L making a ¼ turn L, scuff R foot next to L *** Restart here on wall 8 facing 12.00
5,6,7,8Step R fwd diagonally R, tap L next to R, step L back, tap R next to L

Section 4: Step back R on R diagonal, tap, step forward, tap (back 1/2 of K step) Heel splits x 2
1,2,3,4Step back to R diagonal on R, tap L next to R, step L fwd, tap R next to L** Restart here on wall 4 facing 12.00
5,6,7,8Turn both heels out to sides, bring both heels together, turn both heels out to sides, bring both heels together

#2 Restarts:
** Wall 4 after 28 counts
***Wall 8 after 20 counts – both restarts are to 12.00

The dance finishes on wall 12 after 12 counts. Facing 9.00 dance up to count 6 of section 1 then:
Step R fwd and make a ¼ turn L to 12.00
Repeat counts 1-4 of section 1 finishing with a hold and clap!

Miriam Reesink - email:

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