Begin after 32 counts, on lyrics; 1 tag; no restarts
[1-8] Walk forward R, L, Hop-touch forward and back, Shuffle back, Rock back
1-2Walk forward R (1), Left (2)
&3&4Small hop forward to right diagonal onto R (&), touch L toe next to R foot (3), Small hop back to left diagonal onto L (&), touch R toe next to L foot (4)
5&6Shuffle back stepping R-L-R (5&6)
7-8Step back onto L (7), recover weight onto R (8)
[9-16] L Lindy with 1/4 turn right, Walk 1/2 circle to left
1&2Chassé left stepping L to left side (1), R next to L (&), L to left side (2)
3-4Step R behind L (3) making 1/4 turn to right, recover weight to L (4) [Now facing 3 o’clock wall]
5-6-7-8Turning left, walk in a half circle stepping R (5), L (6), R (7), L (8) [Now facing 9 o’clock wall]
Styling: Stretch arms straight out from body and ‘bank left’ like a soaring bird as you walk around in a half circle.
[17-24] Jazz box, Cross, R vine, Cross
1-2-3-4Cross R over L (1), Step back on L (2), Step R to right side (3), Cross L over R (4)
5-6-7-8Step R to right side (5), Cross L behind R (6), Step R to right side (7), Cross L over R (8)
[25-32] Reverse ‘V’ Step, Step-1/4 turn (2X)
1-2-3-4Step R back to slight right diagonal (1), Step L back to slight left diagonal (2), Step R forward (3), Step L next to R (4)
5-6-7-8Step R forward (5), Pivot 1/4 turn left onto L (6), Step R forward (7), Pivot 1/4 turn left onto L (8) [Now facing 3 o’clock wall]
Tag: At end of wall 5, repeat the ending pivots
5-6-7-8Step R forward (5), Pivot 1/4 turn left onto L (6), Step R forward (7), Pivot 1/4 turn left onto L (8)
Ending: The dance ends on the front wall after 12 counts.
[1-8] Walk forward R, L, Hop-touch forward and back, Shuffle back, Rock back
1-2Walk forward R (1), Left (2)
&3&4Small hop forward to right diagonal onto R (&), touch L toe next to R foot (3), Small hop back to left diagonal onto L (&), touch R toe next to L foot (4)
5&6Shuffle back stepping R-L-R (5&6)
7-8Step back onto L (7), recover weight onto R (8)
[9-16] L Lindy with 1/4 turn right, Walk 1/2 circle to left
1&2Chassé left stepping L to left side (1), R next to L (&), L to left side (2)
3-4Step R behind L (3) making 1/4 turn to right, recover weight to L (4) [Now facing 3 o’clock wall]
5-6-7-8Turning left, walk in a half circle stepping R (5), L (6), R (7), L (8) [Now facing 9 o’clock wall]
Styling: Stretch arms straight out from body and ‘bank left’ like a soaring bird as you walk around in a half circle.
[17-24] Jazz box, Cross, R vine, Cross
1-2-3-4Cross R over L (1), Step back on L (2), Step R to right side (3), Cross L over R (4)
5-6-7-8Step R to right side (5), Cross L behind R (6), Step R to right side (7), Cross L over R (8)
[25-32] Reverse ‘V’ Step, Step-1/4 turn (2X)
1-2-3-4Step R back to slight right diagonal (1), Step L back to slight left diagonal (2), Step R forward (3), Step L next to R (4)
5-6-7-8Step R forward (5), Pivot 1/4 turn left onto L (6), Step R forward (7), Pivot 1/4 turn left onto L (8) [Now facing 3 o’clock wall]
Tag: At end of wall 5, repeat the ending pivots
5-6-7-8Step R forward (5), Pivot 1/4 turn left onto L (6), Step R forward (7), Pivot 1/4 turn left onto L (8)
Ending: The dance ends on the front wall after 12 counts.