High Beginner
Intro: 24 Counts (start on the word ‘That’)
Section 1: R side point, R step back, L touch, L side point, L step back, R touch.
1-3Point R toes to right side, step back on right, touch left next to right.
4-6Point L toes to left side, step back on left, touch right next to left.
Section 2: Half Pivot to Left, Basic Waltz Step
1-3Step forward on R, pivot half turn to left, Step right next to left.
4-6Step left foot back, Step right next to left, Step left foot next to right.
Section 3: R side point, R step forward, L touch, L side point, L step forward, R touch.
1-3Point R toes to right side, step forward on right, touch left next to right.
4-6Point L toes to left side, step forward on left, touch right next to left.
Section 4: Half Pivot to Left, Basic Waltz Step
1-3Step forward on R, pivot half turn to left, Step right next to left.
4-6Step left foot back, Step right next to left, Step left foot next to right.
Section 5: Twinkle to left side, twinkle to right side.
1-3Cross R over L. Step L slightly to left side. Step R foot in peace.
4-6Cross L over R, Step R slightly to right side, Step L foot in place.
Section 6: ¾ turn to right, Basic Waltz Step
1-3Step R across L, sweep left over right taking weight on left, pivot half turn right.
4-6Step right foot back, Step left next to right, Touch right foot next to left.
Section 1: R side point, R step back, L touch, L side point, L step back, R touch.
1-3Point R toes to right side, step back on right, touch left next to right.
4-6Point L toes to left side, step back on left, touch right next to left.
Section 2: Half Pivot to Left, Basic Waltz Step
1-3Step forward on R, pivot half turn to left, Step right next to left.
4-6Step left foot back, Step right next to left, Step left foot next to right.
Section 3: R side point, R step forward, L touch, L side point, L step forward, R touch.
1-3Point R toes to right side, step forward on right, touch left next to right.
4-6Point L toes to left side, step forward on left, touch right next to left.
Section 4: Half Pivot to Left, Basic Waltz Step
1-3Step forward on R, pivot half turn to left, Step right next to left.
4-6Step left foot back, Step right next to left, Step left foot next to right.
Section 5: Twinkle to left side, twinkle to right side.
1-3Cross R over L. Step L slightly to left side. Step R foot in peace.
4-6Cross L over R, Step R slightly to right side, Step L foot in place.
Section 6: ¾ turn to right, Basic Waltz Step
1-3Step R across L, sweep left over right taking weight on left, pivot half turn right.
4-6Step right foot back, Step left next to right, Touch right foot next to left.