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Me Too

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Melissa Moonjung Kim (KOR) - August 2023
Me Too - Meghan Trainor
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Sequence : Intro 32c / A-B-C*2-T(8c)-D-B-C*2-T(16c)x2-B-C*4

[1-8] Syncopated Weave to Left, Flick
1 2&3cross RF over LF(1), Hold(2), LF close to RF(&), Cross RF behind LF(3)
4&5Hold(4), LF close to RF(&), cross RF over LF(5)
6&7Hold(6), LF close to RF(&), cross RF behind LF(7)
8LF flick front to back

[9-16] Syncopated Weave to Right
1 2&3cross LF behind RF(1), Hold(2), RF close to LF(&), cross LF over RF(3)
4&5Hold(4), RF close to LF(&), cross LF behind RF(5)
6&7Hold(6), RF close to LF(&), cross LF over RF(7)

[17-24] Side Point, Cross Point, Side Point, Cross Point, 1/2 Turn to Right
1234RF side point(1), RF replace(2), LF cross point(3), LF replace(4)
5678RF side point(5), RF replace(6), LF cross step(7), 1/2 Turn (Facing 6:00) to right with LF(8)

[25-32] Side Point, Cross Point, Side Point, Cross Point, 1/2 Turn to Right
1234RF side point(1), RF replace(2), LF cross point(3), LF replace(4)
5678RF side point(5), RF replace(6), LF cross step(7), 1/2 Turn (Facing 12:00) to right with LF(8)

[1-8] RF to side with R Arm stretch to side, L Arm stretch to side, Each arms circling count clockwise, Cuban motion RLRL with hands pressed in prayer
1234RF to side with R Arm stretch to side(1), , L Arm stretch to side(2), Each arms circling count clockwise(3), overhead two hands together(4)
5678Right hip sway(5), Left hip sway(6), Right hip sway(7), Left hip sway(8)

[9-17] Weight Change to RF, 1/8 Turn to left with Ronde Chasse, LF point to Forward, together, RF Point to Forward, RF replace, 1/2 Turn to left with R heel swivel, 1/2 Chaine Turn to left with LF Back pointing ending
1 2 3 4&weight change to RF(1), cross LF over RF(2), 1/8 Turn to Left with RF replace & LF sweep front to back(3), cross LF behind RF(4), RF close to LF(&)
5&6&78&1LF point to forward(5), LF close to RF(&), RF point to forward(6), RF replace(&), 1/2 Turn to left with R heel swivel(7), LF Step to Forward(8), 1/2 Turn to Left with RF close to LF(&), LF Point to Back(1)

[18-24] Hold, , LF Tap beside RF, 1/8Turn to right with Coaster step(facing 12.00), RF to Forward
2 3 4 5Hold(2-4), LF tap beside RF(5),
6& 7 8LF step to back(6), 1/8 Turn to right with RF close to LF(&), LF step to Forward(7), RF step to Forward(8)
(High Advanced Option : Hold, LF tap beside RF, 1/4Turn to right with coaster step, RF tap to beside LF, RF back point, Hold, RF tap to beside LF, 1/8Turn to left with coaster step )
2&3&4&5Hold(2), LF tap beside RF(&), LF step to back(3), 1/4 Turn to right with RF close to LF(&), LF step to forward(4), RF tap beside LF(&), RF point to back(5),
6&7&8Hold(6), RF tap beside LF(&), RF step to back(7), 1/8 Turn(Facing 12:00) to left with LF close to RF(&), RF step to forward(8)

[25-32] LF Point to Forward with Count Clockwise Hip roll, LF to Forward walk, RF Point to Forward with Clockwise Hip roll, RF to Forward walk
1234LF point to forward with count clockwise hip roll (1,2,3), LF step to forwad(4)
5678RF point to forward with clockwise hip roll (5,6,7), RF step to forwad(8)
(High Advanced Option : rapid toe Strut L/R, LF cross point, LF side point, LF close to RF, rapid toe strut R/L, RF Cross Point, RF Side Point, RF Close to LF)
1&2&3&4LF point to Forward(1), LF replace(&), RF point to Forward(2), RF replace(&), cross LF over RF(3), LF point to Side(&), LF close to RF(4)
5&6&7&8RF point to Forward(5), RF replace(&), LF point to Forward(6), LF replace(&), cross RF over LF(7), RF point to Side(&), RF close to LF(8)

[1-8] Toe Strut LRLR with Hip Lift
1234LF point to forward(1), LF replace(2), RF point to forward(3), RF replace(4)
5678LF point to forward(1), LF replace(2), RF point to forward(3), RF replace(4)

[9-16] LF Out , RF Out, LF In, LF In, 1/4Turn to Left with Jazz box & RF to side Ending
1&2&3&4&LF out to left diagonal(1), RF out to right diagonal(&), & LF back to center(2), RF close to LF(&), LF out to left diagonal(3), RF out to right diagonal(&), & LF back to center(4), RF close to LF(&),
5678cross LF over RF(5), 1/4 Turn to left with RF back(6), LF to side(7), RF to side (8)

PART D: 32 COUNTS (Facing 6:00)
[1-8] Walk R L, Lock Chasse to Forward, Walk L R, Lock Chasse to Forward
123&4Walk RF(1), Walk LF(2), RF to Forward step(3), Cross LF Behind RF(&), Walk RF(4)
567&8Walk LF(5), Walk RF(6), LF to Forward step(7), Cross RF Behind LF(&), Walk F(8)

[9-16] RF to side Rock & Recover, weave to Left, LF to side Rock & Recover, Weave to right
12 3&4RF to Side(1), LF replace(2), Cross RF behind LF(3), LF to Side(&), Cross RF over LF(4)
56 7&8LF to Side(5), RF replace(6), Cross LF behind RF(7), RF to Side(&), Cross LF over RF(8)

[17-24] 1/4Turn to Right(Facing 9.00), Chest pop x 3, RF& R Hip Lift, 1/2 Turn to Left(facing 3.00) with Hip roll twice,
12341/4Turn to Right(Facing 9.00) with RF point to Forward with chest pop(1), chest pop(2), Chest pop(3), RF& R Hip Life(4)
5678RF replace with 1/4Turn to Left(Facing 6:00) & Hip roll(5-6), 1/4 Turn to Left(Facing 3:00) with Hip roll(7-8)

[25-32] LF point to Forward with Chest pop x 3, LF& L hip Lift, 1/2 Turn to Left with Clockwise Hip roll twice.
1234LF point to forward with chest pop(1), chest pop(2), chest pop(3), LF & L hip lift(4)
5678LF replace, 1/4Turn to left(Facing 6:00) with hip roll(5-6), 1/4 Turn to right(Facing 9:00) with hip roll(7-8)

Tag: 16 COUNTS
[1-8] Hip settle to RF with hip touch twice, changing hip settle to left with Upper body Leaning to Forward, Hip pump to side twice,
1234Hip settle to RF with hip touch(1), Hip settle to RF with hip touch(2), Hip settle to RF with hip touch(3), Hip settle to RF with hip touch(4),
5678changing hip settle to left with upper body Leaning to Forward(5-6),Hip pump(7), Hip pump(8),

[9-16] 1/2 Turn to left, reverse body roll, 1/4 paddle Turn to left x2
12341/2 Turn to Left with Changing weight to LF(1), body roll(2-4)
56781/8 Turn to Left with Hip roll(5-6), 1/8 Turn to Left with Hip roll(7-8)

Last Update: 17 Aug 2023

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