CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Crackin' Cold Ones

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Lesley Stewart (SCO) & Kirsteen Currie (UK) - July 2023
Crackin’ Cold Ones With the Boys - The Cadillac Three
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Intro: 24 Counts

Restart: On wall 8 change counts 7&8 to:
Left coaster step
1&2Step back on left (1), step right next to left (&), step forward on left (2)
And restart the dance **

Kick ball change, step, scuff, heel grind 1/4 turn, shuffle back
1&2Kick right foot forward (1), step right next to left (&), step left foot forward (2)
3-4Step forward on right (3), scuff left (4)
5-6Dig left heel forward 1/4 turn left (5), step back on right (6)
7&8Step back on left (7), step right next to left (&), step back on left (8) **

Rock back, rec, full turn forward, 1/4 turn touch, step side, kick
1-2Rock back on right (1), recover on left (2)
3-41/2 left stepping back right (3), 1/2 left stepping forward left (4)
(Option: Walk forward right, left)
5-61/4 turn left stepping right to right side (5), touch left next to right (6)
7-8Step left to left side (7), kick right to right diagonal (8)

Behind, side, cross, hold, ball cross, Monterey 1/4, touch
1&2Cross step right behind left (1), step left to left side (&), cross step right over left (2)
3&4hold (3), step left to left side (&), cross step right over left (4)
5-6Point left out to left side (5), 1/4 turn left taking weight on left (6)
7-8Point right out to right side (7), touch right next to left (8)

Step 1/2 turn, cross, back, out, out, in, in
1-2Step forward on right (1), 1/2 turn left taking weight on left (2)
3-4Cross step right over left (3), step back on left (4)
5-6Step right to right side (5), step left to left side (6)
7-8Step right to centre (7), step left next to right (8)

Last Update: 26 Jul 2023

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