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Stand Out

( 29 票)
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Phrased Advanced
Lucie Lu (DE) - July 2023
Stand Out - Alexi von Guggenberg
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Intro: 32 counts, start on “IF they ain’t talking…”
Sequence: A-TAG1-B-B-A-A-TAG2-C-B-A-B

Part A (32 counts)
S1: Diag.: Step Pivot 1/2L, Kick Ball Change, Slide Back Drag, Coaster Step
1-2step RF fwd (1)(1:30), make ½ turn L stepping LF fwd (2) (7:30)
3&4kick RF fwd (3), step RF next to LF (&), change weight to LF (4)
5-6take long step RF back (5), drag LF back to RF (6)
7&8step LF back (7), step RF next to LF (&), step LF fwd (8)

S2: Diag.: 2xTurn 1/2L, Triple Turn L, Cross Rock, Shuffle Turn 1/2L
1-2make 1/2 turn L stepping RF back (1) (1:30), make 1/2 turn L stepping LF fwd (2) (7:30)
3&4make 1/2 turn L stepping RF back (3) (1:30), step LF next to RF (&), make 1/2 turn L stepping RF slightly fwd (4) (7:30)
5-6cross rock LF over RF (5), recover on RF (6)
7&8make shuffle turn 1/4L stepping LF fwd (7), stepping RF together (&), stepping LF fwd (8) (4:30)

S3: Diag.: Turn 1/2L+Sweep 1/4L, Behind Side Cross, Hip Bump Hip Bump+Turn 1/4L, Shuffle Turn 1/2
1-2make 1/2 turn L stepping RF to R (1) (10:30), continue with 1/4 turn L on RF sweeping LF from front to back (2) (7:30)
3&4step LF behind RF (3), step RF to R (&), cross LF over RF (4)
5-6touch RF toe slightly to R side bumping right hip up (5), make 1/4 turn L stepping slightly on RF (6) (4:30)
7&8make shuffle turn 1/2 L stepping LF fwd (7), stepping RF together (&), stepping LF fwd (8) (10:30)

S4: Diag. Step Lock fwd, Locking Shuffle fwd, Turn 1/8R Rock Back, Locking Shuffle fwd
1-2step RF fwd (1) (10:30), lock LF behind RF (2),
3&4step RF fwd (3) , lock LF behind RF (&),step RF fwd (4)
5-6make 1/8 turn R rock back on LF + kick RF fwd (5) (12:00), recover on RF (6)
7&8step LF fwd (7), lock RF behind LF (&), step LF fwd (8)

Part B (32 counts)
S1: Side Close, Chassé , 2x Heel Toe Hitch
1-2step RF to R (1) (12:00), step LF next to RF (2)
3&4step RF to R (3), step LF next to RF (&), step RF to R (4)
5-6swivel LF heel in (5), swivel LF toe in (6)
7&8swivel both heels in (7), swivel both toes in (&), Hitch L knee (8)

S2: Diag.: Turn 1/8L Turn 1/2L, Locking shuffle back, Touch Turn, Body Roll
1-2make 1/8 turn L stepping LF diagonal fwd (1) (10:30), make 1/2 turn L stepping RF back (2) (4:30),
3&4step LF back (3), lock RF in front of LF (&), step LF back (4)
5-6touch RF toe back (5), turn ½ to R side on balls of both feet (6) (10:30)
7&8body roll (7&8) (finish with weight on LF)

S3: Turn 1/8 L Cross Side, Twinkle Turn 1/4R, Cross Side, Cross Shuffle
1-2make 1/8 turn L crossing RF over LF (1) (9:00), step LF to L (2)
3&4cross RF over LF (3), make 1/4 turn R stepping LF back (&) (12:00) step RF to R (4)
5-6cross LF over RF (5), step RF to R (6)
7&8cross LF over RF (7), step RF to R (&), cross LF over RF (8)

S4: 2xWalk 3xRun Making Full Circle R, Rock fwd Coaster Step
1-2make 1/4 turn R stepping RF forward (1) (3:00), make 1/4 turn R stepping LF forward (2) 6.00
3&4gradually making 1/2 turn R step RF forward (3), step LF forward (&), step RF forward (4) (12:00)
5-6rock forward on LF (5), recover on RF (6)
7&8step LF back + bring both arms to body centre (7), step RF next to LF + start pushing both arms fwd (&), step LF forward with both arms fully stretched fwd presenting both palms to front on “out” (8)

Part C (32 counts)
S1: 2x Hip Rolls with Bumps, 2x Back, Rock Back Flick
1-2step RF to R (1) while rolling hips from L to R, Bump L hip up L (2) (12:00)
3-4step LF to L (3) while rolling hips from R to L, Bump R hip up R (4)
5-6step RF back (5), step LF back (6)
7-8rock back on RF (7), recover on LF flicking RF back (8)

S2: Step Lock, Locking Shuffle, 2xPoint, Sailor Turn 1/2L
1-2step RF fwd (1), lock LF behind RF (2)
3&4step RF fwd (3) , lock LF behind RF (&),step RF fwd (4)
5-6point LF fwd (5) point LF to L (6)
7&8turn 1/2 to L Stepping LF behind RF (7), Step RF to R (&), Step LF to L (8) (6:00)

S3: 2x Hip Rolls with Bumps, 2x Back, Rock Back Flick
1-2step RF to R (1) while rolling hips from L to R, Bump L hip up L (2) (6:00)
3-4step LF to L (3) while rolling hips from R to L, Bump R hip up R (4)
5-6step RF back (5), step LF back (6)
7-8rock back on RF (7), recover on LF flicking RF back (8)

S4: Step Lock, Locking Shuffle, 2xPoint, Sailor Turn 1/2L
1-2step RF fwd (1), lock LF behind RF (2)
3&4step RF fwd (3), lock LF behind RF (&), step RF fwd (4)
5-6point LF fwd (5) point LF to L (6)
7&8turn 1/2 to L stepping LF behind RF (7), Step RF to R (&), Step LF to L + at chest level push R hand to R side and L hand to L side presenting palms sideways on “out”(8) (12:00)

Tag1 (16 counts 12:00)
S1: Cross Point, Sailor Step, Kick Out Out, Body Roll
1-2cross RF fwd (1) (12:00), point LF to L side (2)
3&4step LF behind RF (3), step RF to R side (&), step LF to L side (4)
5&6kick RF fwd (5), step RF R diagonal fwd (&), step LF L diagonal fwd (6)
7&8body roll (7&8)

S2: Run, Jump, Cross Unwind Full TurnL
1&2&step RF in place (1), step LF in place (&), step RF in place (2), step LF in place (&)
3-4jump up with both legs stretched (3), recover on both feet (4)
5-8cross RF toe over LF (5), unwind gradually making full turn L (6-8) (12:00) (finish with weight on LF)

Tag2 (16 counts 12.00)
identical to Tag1 for first 12 counts, only change last 4 counts of S2:
bring your R hand to your R ear (5-6), move your L hand several times horizontally fwd + back (DJ-Style scratchy movements)

End of dance - have fun!

Last Update: 23 Jul 2023

4 評論

Usa2403 July 24, 2023
Toll gemacht !!!
Sieht nach 'ner Menge Spaß aus.
Weiter so 😘

Lucie Lu July 24, 2023
Vielen lieben Dank! 🥰 Ja, mir macht er Spaß und ich hoffe anderen zukünftig auch 🤗💃🕺🏻

Bumpahead September 27, 2023

Lucie Lu September 27, 2023

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