CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Thursday's Flowers

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Beginner / Improver
Jan Martin (AUS) - June 2023
Flowers - Miley Cyrus
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Starts on vocals……*(3) Easy Restarts…see notes below*

(1-8) R Cross Rock, Recover, Side Shuffle. L Cross Rock, Recover, Side Shuffle.
1-2Weight on L Cross Rock R over L, (1) Recover weight on L. (2)
3&4Step R to R side; (3) place L beside R, (&) step R to R side. (4)
5-6Weight on R Cross Rock L over R, (5) Recover weight on R. (6)
7&8Step L to L side; (7) place R beside L, (&) Step L to L side.(8) *Restart 3 here…see notes*

(9-16) Step point, Cross Point, Jazz box ¼ Turning Right
1-2Step R fwd, (1) Point L to L Side. (2)
3-4Cross L over R slightly fwd, (3) point R to R Side. (4)
5-6Cross R over L, (5) Step L back. (6)
7-8Turn ¼ R, stepping on R (7) Step L beside R. (8)

(17-24) Right Kick Ball Change x 2, Side Taps Right and Left
1&2Kick R foot fwd. (1) step down on ball of R foot, (&) step on L foot. (2) *Restart 1 here…see notes*
3&4Kick R foot fwd. (3) step down on ball of R foot, (&) step on L foot. (4)
5-6Step R to the R side, (5) tap L next to R. (6)
7-8Step L to the L side, (7) tap R next to L. (8) *Restart 2 here…see notes*

(25-32) Rocking Chair, ½ Pivot Turns Left X 2
1-2Rock forward on the R, (1) recover weight back on the L. (2)
3-4Rock back on the R, (3) recover weight back on the L. (4)
5-6Step R forward, Pivot ½ turn left, (5) weight is transferred to L. (6)
7-8Step R forward, Pivot ½ turn left, (7) weight is transferred to L. (8)
*Non - turning option ………………. (Steps 5-8) ………………..Repeat Rocking chair.*

Start Dance again

*RESTART 1: Sequence 2, starts facing 3:00, Dance up to count 18, restart facing 6:00.*

*RESTART 2: Sequence 6, starts facing 3:00. Dance up to count 24, restart facing 6:00.*

*RESTART 3: Sequence 10, starts facing 3:00. Dance up to count 8, restart still facing 3:00.*

Dance ends sequence 13 facing 12:00

Hope you have fun and enjoy the Dance  Thank you Duska for music idea

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