Intro: 32 counts (Start counting with heave beat)
Rock L Fwd. Back on R, Coaster Step, Zig-Zag Fwd. R/L
1-4Rock L fwd. Step back on R, Step L/R/L,
5-8Step R fwd. diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L fwd. diagonally, Touch R to L
Jazz Box ¼ R, V Step
1-4Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R on L, Step on R, step on L
5-8Step R fwd. diagonally, Step L to L side, Touch R to L, Step R back to center, Step L next to R
Vine R Turning ¼ L, Cross Point Fwd.
1-4Step To R side, L behind R, Step R turning ¼ L, Step on L
5-8Step R fwd. Point L to L aide, Step L fwd. Point R to R side
Pivot ¾ to L, Step on R, then L
1-4Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L, Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L
5-8Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L, Step on R, Touch L to R
That’s it! I hope you like it. A catchy song to get your heart rate up a little. I work hard trying to choreograph these routines for beginners, or for warm-ups before class and search for hours finding a fun and easy song to go along with the routine. If you like it, please press like for me. Or if you would like to do a demo for me! I would really appreciate it.
Please do not alter routine without my permission. Thank you.
mygeo@adamswells.com or mygrantg@gmail.com
Rock L Fwd. Back on R, Coaster Step, Zig-Zag Fwd. R/L
1-4Rock L fwd. Step back on R, Step L/R/L,
5-8Step R fwd. diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L fwd. diagonally, Touch R to L
Jazz Box ¼ R, V Step
1-4Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R on L, Step on R, step on L
5-8Step R fwd. diagonally, Step L to L side, Touch R to L, Step R back to center, Step L next to R
Vine R Turning ¼ L, Cross Point Fwd.
1-4Step To R side, L behind R, Step R turning ¼ L, Step on L
5-8Step R fwd. Point L to L aide, Step L fwd. Point R to R side
Pivot ¾ to L, Step on R, then L
1-4Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L, Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L
5-8Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L, Step on R, Touch L to R
That’s it! I hope you like it. A catchy song to get your heart rate up a little. I work hard trying to choreograph these routines for beginners, or for warm-ups before class and search for hours finding a fun and easy song to go along with the routine. If you like it, please press like for me. Or if you would like to do a demo for me! I would really appreciate it.
Please do not alter routine without my permission. Thank you.
mygeo@adamswells.com or mygrantg@gmail.com