CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Country to the Bone

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Connor Graves (USA) - April 2023
Country to the Bone - Crossfire Creek
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By Restart line dancing (Connor) as well as Denise, Judy, Lexi, Ashley

#32 Count Intro

S1. Stomp, heel, toe, heel, stomp, heel, toe, heel
1-4Stomp right foot to the side, bring left heel towards right on a swivel (heel first, then toe, then heel)
Repeat same on other side
5-8stop left foot to the side, bring right heel towards left on a swivel (heel first, then toe, then heel)

S2. Coaster, shuffle, half turn, stomp, stomp
1&2Step right foot back, left comes together, step right foot forward
3&4shuffle forward left, right, left
5,6step right foot forward turning half over left
7,8stomp right, stop left

S3. Point, point, sailor step, point, point, sailor step
1-2point right foot out forward, point right to side
3&4step right behind left, left to side, right to the side
5-6point left forward, point right to the side
7&8step left behind right, right to side, left to the side

S4 step, half turn, hitch, shuffle, half turn, half turn
1step forward with a half turn over left
2quarter turn left with a hitch on left leg
3&4quarter turn left shuffle forward LRL
5,6,7,8step forward on right half turn, step forward on right half turn

S5 skate, skate, shuffle, skate, skate, shuffle
1-2,3&4slide diagonal to right, slide diagonal to left, shuffle diagonal right
5-6,7&8slide diagonal to left, slide diagonal to right, shuffle diagonal to left

S6 shake, shake, ¼ turn coaster, step, scuff, hitch
1-2shake hips to right
3-4shake hips to left
5&6¼ turn right stepping back on right, step left together, right forward
7&8step left forward, scuff right, hitch

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