Intro: 32c
Scissors right, Scissors left;
1-4Step right foot right, bring left next to right, cross right over left, hold:
5-8Step left foot left, bring right next to left, cross left over right, hold;
Forward Coaster, Back Coaster;
9-12Step right foot forward, bring left foot next to right, step right foot back, hold
13-16Step left foot back, place right foot next to left, step left foot forward;
17-32Repeat counts 1-16
2 Lock Steps
33-36Step right forward, hook left behind right, step right forward, brush
37-40Step left forward, hook right behind left, step left forward, hold;
(41-48) 4 x Back step touches, (Clap on touches)
41-44Step right diagonally back, touch left to right (clap), step left diagonally back, touch right to left (clap)
45-48Repeat 41-44
Vine, Vine with ¼ left turn;
49-52Step side right, step left behind right, step side right, touch left next to right,
53-56Step side left, step right behind left, step left, touch right to left;
57-64Point right forward, hold, Step right back, hold, point left back, hold, step left forward, hold;
Tag at wall 3 add an extra Charleston
For the ending on the 12:00 wall do not turn on the second vine.
Dance will end on count 23.
Scissors right, Scissors left;
1-4Step right foot right, bring left next to right, cross right over left, hold:
5-8Step left foot left, bring right next to left, cross left over right, hold;
Forward Coaster, Back Coaster;
9-12Step right foot forward, bring left foot next to right, step right foot back, hold
13-16Step left foot back, place right foot next to left, step left foot forward;
17-32Repeat counts 1-16
2 Lock Steps
33-36Step right forward, hook left behind right, step right forward, brush
37-40Step left forward, hook right behind left, step left forward, hold;
(41-48) 4 x Back step touches, (Clap on touches)
41-44Step right diagonally back, touch left to right (clap), step left diagonally back, touch right to left (clap)
45-48Repeat 41-44
Vine, Vine with ¼ left turn;
49-52Step side right, step left behind right, step side right, touch left next to right,
53-56Step side left, step right behind left, step left, touch right to left;
57-64Point right forward, hold, Step right back, hold, point left back, hold, step left forward, hold;
Tag at wall 3 add an extra Charleston
For the ending on the 12:00 wall do not turn on the second vine.
Dance will end on count 23.