CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I'm Pretty!

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High Beginner Rolling Count
Stephen Paterson (AUS) - March 2023
Pretty - Ingrid Michaelson : (Album: Stranger Songs)
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Start dance after 16 count instrumental intro

[1-4] Sway, Sway, Turning Quarter: Side, Together, Side, Together
1 2Step right out to side swaying right, sway left taking weight onto left in place
3 aStep onto right in place, step left beside right (a)
4 aStarting a ¼ R turn, step right out to side with toes pointing to 1.30,Step left beside right (a) then finish the ¼ R turn ready for count 5 (3.00)
Turning Option: (making the dance more of an improver level with a 1 ¼ R turn)
3 aTurn ¼ R then step right forward, turn ½ R then step left back (a)
4 aTurn ½ R then step right forward, step left beside right (a) (3.00)

[5 – 8] Rock R Forward, Recover, Together, Rock L Back, Recover, Together
1 2 aRock step right forward, recover back onto left in place, step right beside left (a)
3 4 aRock step left back, recover forward onto right in place, step left beside right (a) (3.00)

[9 – 12] Step R Forward, Pivot Quarter L, Weave Across, Side, Behind, Side
1 2Step right forward, pivot ¼ left taking weight onto left in place (12.00)
3 aStep right across left, step left out to left side (a)
4 aStep right behind left, step left out to left side (a)

[13 – 16] Rock R Across, Recover, Side, Rock L Across, Recover, Quarter L Forward
1 2 aRock step right across left, recover back onto left in place, step right out to right side (a)
3 4 aRock step left across right, recover back onto right in place, turn ¼ L then step left forward (a) (9.00)

TAG: On wall 9 (starting to the front) dance up to count 16, on the last ‘a’ count, do not turn ¼ left, stay facing the front wall by stepping the left foot out to the left side. Then add the 2 count tag:
1-2Sway Right, Sway Left
Then start wall 10 to the front.

Ending: After wall 11, you’ll be facing the back wall, Step right out to side, then ½ hinge turn left, stepping left out to left side on the word ‘Good’

Choreographers note;
I have choreographed this dance to offer a split floor for the intermediate level dance “Pretty Damn Good” by Linda Burgess & Lu Olsen.

Originally choreographed back in May 2022, I chose not to release it back then. But now, with the Intermediate dance still being popular I have decided to release this dance, to give an easier split floor option, and to introduce newer dancers to the ‘a’ count in a rolling count sequence.

This dance compliments the Intermediate choreography with the first four counts syncronising when facing the front and back walls, sharing the same tag and ending.

This is an original dance sheet, feel free to copy without change for distribution
LDSP - Stephen Paterson Mob: 0438 695 494, email:

2 評論

Novi3NLD March 21, 2023

Ribka March 21, 2023

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