Start: On the lyrics, “Baby, Calm Down, Calm Down…”
Steps, Quarter Turn
Arm movements optional for first 4 counts (hands in fists and roll hands)
1&2Side Step R, Step L, Cross R foot in front of L
3&4Side Step L, Step R, Cross L foot in front of R
5&6&7&8Making a quarter turn to the R - Step R foot in front of L, Step L foot, Step R foot behind L, Step L, Step R foot in front of L, Step L foot, Step R foot into first position
Knee Lift, Step Together Step, Quarter Turn
1Bring L leg forward lifting knee and cross L foot in front of R leg
&2Leaning forward - Step together step starting with R foot and going back
3Bring R leg forward lifting knee and cross R foot in front of L leg
&4Starting L foot – step together step going back while leaning slightly forward
5&6Quarter Turn to R – cross L foot over R, bring R foot back on a slight diagonal to the R corner
7&8Cross R foot over L, bring L foot back on a slight diagonal to the L corner
Step Touches, Optional Arm and Hip movements
-Arm movements optional for this count of 8 (starting position with arms in front of belly, one hand in a fist, other hand the index and middle finger are out and rotate fingers around fist and as you continue doing the steps, move hands up until slightly above head and keep rotating fingers around fist until the 8 counts have been danced
- Hip movements optional as well for this count of 8
1&2&3&4&Moving forward on a slight right diagonal (small step touches) - step R, step L, step R, step L, step R, step L, step R, step L
5&6&7&8&Moving forward on a slight left diagonal (small step touches) – step L, step R, step L, step R, step L, step R, step L, step R
Heel, Quarter Turn
1&2Step R heel forward, bring R foot in front of L knee, bring R heel back in front, step R foot in first position
3&4Step L heel forward, bring L foot in front of R knee, bring L heel back in front, step L foot in first position
5-6-7-8Quarter turn to the right with small steps starting with R foot, L foot, R foot, L foot and bring knees out and in 4 times while making the steps
**REPEAT THE LAST 16 COUNTS** - Starting with moving forward on a slight right diagonal with step touches and ending with the quarter turn, knees out/in
Steps, Quarter Turn
Arm movements optional for first 4 counts (hands in fists and roll hands)
1&2Side Step R, Step L, Cross R foot in front of L
3&4Side Step L, Step R, Cross L foot in front of R
5&6&7&8Making a quarter turn to the R - Step R foot in front of L, Step L foot, Step R foot behind L, Step L, Step R foot in front of L, Step L foot, Step R foot into first position
Knee Lift, Step Together Step, Quarter Turn
1Bring L leg forward lifting knee and cross L foot in front of R leg
&2Leaning forward - Step together step starting with R foot and going back
3Bring R leg forward lifting knee and cross R foot in front of L leg
&4Starting L foot – step together step going back while leaning slightly forward
5&6Quarter Turn to R – cross L foot over R, bring R foot back on a slight diagonal to the R corner
7&8Cross R foot over L, bring L foot back on a slight diagonal to the L corner
Step Touches, Optional Arm and Hip movements
-Arm movements optional for this count of 8 (starting position with arms in front of belly, one hand in a fist, other hand the index and middle finger are out and rotate fingers around fist and as you continue doing the steps, move hands up until slightly above head and keep rotating fingers around fist until the 8 counts have been danced
- Hip movements optional as well for this count of 8
1&2&3&4&Moving forward on a slight right diagonal (small step touches) - step R, step L, step R, step L, step R, step L, step R, step L
5&6&7&8&Moving forward on a slight left diagonal (small step touches) – step L, step R, step L, step R, step L, step R, step L, step R
Heel, Quarter Turn
1&2Step R heel forward, bring R foot in front of L knee, bring R heel back in front, step R foot in first position
3&4Step L heel forward, bring L foot in front of R knee, bring L heel back in front, step L foot in first position
5-6-7-8Quarter turn to the right with small steps starting with R foot, L foot, R foot, L foot and bring knees out and in 4 times while making the steps
**REPEAT THE LAST 16 COUNTS** - Starting with moving forward on a slight right diagonal with step touches and ending with the quarter turn, knees out/in