High Improver
#8 counts Intro.
Section 1: Out, behind, step together, chest bump
1, 2 & 3-Step right foot out to the side, step behind with left foot, step out to the side with right foot and together with left foot
& 4-Chest bump- out, in
5, 6 & 7-Step left foot out to the side, step behind with right foot, step out to the side with left foot and together with right foot
& 8-Chest bump- out in
Section 2: Wizard steps, Stomps, Out, Out, In, In
1, 2 &-Right step forward diagonal, lock left foot behind right foot, step forward right
3, 4 &-Left step forward diagonal, lock right foot behind left foot, step forward right
5, 6-Stomp right, stomp left
& 7 & 8-Step out right, Step out left, Step in right, Step in left
Section 3: Step, Half Turn, Shuffle, Half Turn, Swivel & Hitch
1, 2, 3 &4-Step forward Right foot, ½ turn left, shuffle forward right- left- right
5, 6-Step forward left and keep it planted, ½ turn Right and step on right foot
7 & 8-Right heel swivels and hitch Right leg up
Section 4: Vaudeville, Step, 1/4 turn, Shimmy
1,2,&3&4-Step out right foot, step behind with left foot, step right foot to the side, Left heel out to the front, Step down left foot, and cross with right foot over left
5, 6-Step left foot to the side, ¼ turn to the right and step on right foot
7, 8-Shimmy
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Section 1: Out, behind, step together, chest bump
1, 2 & 3-Step right foot out to the side, step behind with left foot, step out to the side with right foot and together with left foot
& 4-Chest bump- out, in
5, 6 & 7-Step left foot out to the side, step behind with right foot, step out to the side with left foot and together with right foot
& 8-Chest bump- out in
Section 2: Wizard steps, Stomps, Out, Out, In, In
1, 2 &-Right step forward diagonal, lock left foot behind right foot, step forward right
3, 4 &-Left step forward diagonal, lock right foot behind left foot, step forward right
5, 6-Stomp right, stomp left
& 7 & 8-Step out right, Step out left, Step in right, Step in left
Section 3: Step, Half Turn, Shuffle, Half Turn, Swivel & Hitch
1, 2, 3 &4-Step forward Right foot, ½ turn left, shuffle forward right- left- right
5, 6-Step forward left and keep it planted, ½ turn Right and step on right foot
7 & 8-Right heel swivels and hitch Right leg up
Section 4: Vaudeville, Step, 1/4 turn, Shimmy
1,2,&3&4-Step out right foot, step behind with left foot, step right foot to the side, Left heel out to the front, Step down left foot, and cross with right foot over left
5, 6-Step left foot to the side, ¼ turn to the right and step on right foot
7, 8-Shimmy
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