Start dance after 32 counts - No tag, no restart
Sec 1: Side, together, side, toe touch, side, together, side, toe touch
1 2 3 4Side with right foot (1), together with left foot (2), side with right foot (3), toe touch left foot left diagonal (4)
5 6 7 8Side with left foot (5), together with right foot (6), side with left foot (7), toe touch right foot right diagonal (8) ending 12 o’clock
Sec 2: Cross and point, cross and point, jazz box ¼ turn
1 2 3 4Cross with right foot (1), point left foot to the side (2), cross with left foot (3), point right foot to the side (4)
5 6 7 8Cross with right foot (1), ¼ turn to the right stepping left foot back (2), side with right foot (3), cross with left (4) ending 3 o’clock
Sec 3: Side touches in a box
1 2 3 4Side with right foot (1), touch left foot beside right (2), ¼ turn to the left stepping left foot to the side (3), touch right foot beside left (4)
5 6 7 8¼ turn to the left stepping right foot to the side (5), touch left foot beside right (6), ¼ turn to the left stepping left foot to the side (7), touch right foot beside left (8) ending 6 o’clock
Sec 4: Walk right left right, together, hip sway right left right left
1 2 3 4Walk with right foot (1), walk with left foot (2), walk with right foot (3), together with left foot (4)
5 6 7 8Hip away to the right (5), hip sway to the left (6), hip sway to the right (7), hip sway to the left with weight on left (8) ending 6 o’clock
Start again!
Enjoy the music! Keep dancing!
Contact: Winchun168@hotmail.com
Last Update: 26 Feb 2023
Sec 1: Side, together, side, toe touch, side, together, side, toe touch
1 2 3 4Side with right foot (1), together with left foot (2), side with right foot (3), toe touch left foot left diagonal (4)
5 6 7 8Side with left foot (5), together with right foot (6), side with left foot (7), toe touch right foot right diagonal (8) ending 12 o’clock
Sec 2: Cross and point, cross and point, jazz box ¼ turn
1 2 3 4Cross with right foot (1), point left foot to the side (2), cross with left foot (3), point right foot to the side (4)
5 6 7 8Cross with right foot (1), ¼ turn to the right stepping left foot back (2), side with right foot (3), cross with left (4) ending 3 o’clock
Sec 3: Side touches in a box
1 2 3 4Side with right foot (1), touch left foot beside right (2), ¼ turn to the left stepping left foot to the side (3), touch right foot beside left (4)
5 6 7 8¼ turn to the left stepping right foot to the side (5), touch left foot beside right (6), ¼ turn to the left stepping left foot to the side (7), touch right foot beside left (8) ending 6 o’clock
Sec 4: Walk right left right, together, hip sway right left right left
1 2 3 4Walk with right foot (1), walk with left foot (2), walk with right foot (3), together with left foot (4)
5 6 7 8Hip away to the right (5), hip sway to the left (6), hip sway to the right (7), hip sway to the left with weight on left (8) ending 6 o’clock
Start again!
Enjoy the music! Keep dancing!
Contact: Winchun168@hotmail.com
Last Update: 26 Feb 2023