CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Brett Ruwe (USA) & Brendan Simoens (USA) - February 2023
Dynamite - BTS
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Intro 16 Counts - Starts on Vocals
1 Tag, No Restarts
Sequence: A-A-B-A-A-B-B-Tag-A-B-B

PART A: 32 Counts
[1 - 8] Heel Switches, Heel Hook Heel, Heel Switches, Heel Hook Scuff
1&2&Touch R heel forward (1), Step RF next to LF (&), Touch L heel forward (2), Step LF next to RF (&)
3&4&Touch R heel forward (3), Hook R over L (&), Touch R heel forward (4), Step RF next to LF (&)
5&6&Touch L heel forward (1), Step LF next to RF (&), Touch R heel forward (2), Step RF next to LF (&)
7&8Touch L heel forward (3), Hook L over R (&), Scuff LF forward (8)

[9 - 16] Lock Steps LR, Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn L Coaster
1&2Step LF forward (1), Lock RF behind LF (&), Step LF forward (2)
3&4Step RF forward (3), Lock LF behind RF (&), Step RF forward (4)
5,6Rock LF forward (5), Recover weight onto RF (6)
7&8Cross LF behind RF (7), ¼ Turn L stepping RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (8)

[17 - 24] Heel Swivel, Coaster Step, Heel Swivel, Coaster Step
1&2Step RF forward (1), Swivel both heels R (&), Swivel both heels back to center (2)
3&4Step RF back (3), Step LF next to RF (&), Step RF forward (4)
5&6Step LF forward (5), Swivel both heels L (&), Swivel both heels back to center (6)
7&8Step LF back (7), Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (8)

[25 - 32] Sailor Step, Sailor ½ Turn, Walk, Walk, Out Out, Swivel Heel Toe
1&2Cross RF behind LF (1), Step LF to L side (&), Step RF forward (2)
3&4¼ Turn L crossing LF behind RF (3), Step RF to R side (&), ¼ Turn L stepping LF forward (4)
5,6Step RF forward (5), Step LF forward (6)
&7&8Step RF to R side (&), Step LF to L side (7), Swivel both heels in (&), Swivel both toes in (8)

PART B: 32 Counts
[1 - 8] Syncopated Sailors, Rock, Recover, ½ Turn Shuffle
1&2&Cross RF behind LF (1), Step LF to L side (&), Step RF forward (2), Cross LF behind RF (2&)
3&4Step RF to R side (3), Step LF forward (&), Step RF forward (4)
5,6Rock LF forward (5), Recover weight onto RF (6)
7&8¼ Turn L stepping LF to L side (7), Step RF next to LF (&), ¼ Turn stepping LF forward (8)

[9 - 16] Syncopated Points, ¼ Heel Grind, Heel Taps/Knee Pop
1&2&Point RF to R diagonal (1), Step RF next to LF (&), Point LF to L back diagonal (2), Step LF next to RF (&)
3&4&Point RF to R back diagonal (3), Step RF next to LF (&), Point LF to L diagonal (4), Step LF next to RF (&)
5,6Step RF forward on heel (5), ¼ Turn R stepping LF back grinding heel R (6)
&7&8Step RF next to LF (&), Step LF forward (weight equal on both feet) (7), Tap both heels (&), Tap both heels (place weight onto LF) (8)
Alternate Steps &8: Pop both knees (&), Return both knees to normal (8)

[17 - 24] Cross, Rock Recover Cross, Scuff, Hip Bumps
1,2&Cross RF over LF (1), Rock LF to L side (2), Recover weight onto RF (&)
3,4&Cross LF over RF (3), Scuff RF to L diagonal (4), Hitch R across L towards L diagonal (&)
5&6&Step RF to R side bumping hips down and R (5), Bump hips up and L (&), Bump hips R (6), Bump hips L (&)
7&8&Bump hips down and R (7), Bump hips up and L (&), Bump hips R (8), Bump hips L placing weight onto LF (&)
Styling 4-8: Face L diagonal

[25 - 32] ¼ Turn Jazz Box, Kick and Point, Kick and Point
1,2Cross RF over LF (1), Step LF back (2)
3,4¼ Turn R stepping RF to R side (3), Step LF forward (4)
5&6Kick RF forward (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Point LF to L side (6)
7&8Kick LF forward (7), Step LF next to RF (&), Point RF to R side (8)

STEP CHANGE: On last rotation of B, replace count 27 with Step RF to R side
No ¼ Turn in final Jazz Box

TAG: Happens on 12 o’clock wall after third B, Tag starts facing 10:30
[1 - 8] Syncopated Touches w/ Claps
1&2&FACING 10:30 Touch RF forward (1), Step RF next to LF (&), Touch LF forward (2), Step LF next to RF (&)
3&4&Touch RF forward (3), Step RF next to LF (&), Touch LF forward and clap both hands (4), Step LF next to RF (&)
5&6&Touch RF forward (5), Step RF next to LF (&), Touch LF forward (6), Step LF next to RF (&)
7&8&Touch RF forward (7), Step RF next to LF (&), Touch LF forward and clap both hands (8), Step LF next to RF (&)

[9 - 16] ⅛ Turn Side Together Cross, Side Together Cross, ¼ Turn Rock Recovers
1&2⅛ Turn L stepping RF to R side (1), Step LF next to RF (&), Cross RF over LF (2)
3&4Step LF to L side (3), Step RF next to LF (&), Cross LF over RF (4)
5,6¼ Turn L rocking RF to R side (5), Recover weight onto LF (6)
7,8¼ Turn L rocking RF to R side (7), Recover weight onto LF (8)

[17 - 32] Repeat Counts 1-16

Last Update: 4 Feb 2023

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