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Big Spender

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Easy Intermediate
Julia Wetzel (USA) - January 2023
Big Spender - Peggy Lee
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Dedication: Choreographed for The Crystal Boot Awards (CBA4LDF 2023)

Intro: 16 counts, start dance with lyric ”walk” (8 sec. into track)

[1 – 8] Cross, Hitch, Cross, Out, Out, Hip Roll
1 - 3Cross R over L (1), Hitch L (2), Cross L over R (3) 12:00
4, 5Step R to right side (4), Step L out to left side placing feet wide apart and start rolling hip back (5) 12:00
6 - 8Roll hip Counterclockwise over 2 counts completing with weight on L (6-7), Step R next to L (8) 12:00

[9 – 16] Point, Monterey ¼ L, Point, Monterey ¼ R, Point, Sailor Cross ½ L
1, 2Point L to left side (1), ¼ turn left on R step L next to R (2)
Styling: On Wall 3 emphasize counts 1, 3, 5 by throwing both hands out to sides as you point your foot 9:00
3, 4Point R to right side (3), ¼ turn right on L step R next to L (4) 12:00
5 - 8Point L to left side (5), ¼ turn left step L behind R (6), ¼ turn left small step R to right side (7), Cross L over R (8) 6:00

[17- 24] Kick, Behind, Side, In Front, Swivel Turn ¼ L, Behind, Side, Cross
1Sharp R kick fw to the right diag. hitting strong beat (1) 6:00
2 - 4Step R behind L (2), Step L to left side (3), Step R in front of L (4) 6:00
5, 6Swivel ¼ turn left on balls of both feet over rotate slightly and open your body to left diagonal (1:30) weight ends on R (5), Step L behind R (6) 3:00
7, 8Step R to right side (7), Cross L over R (8) 3:00
*Bridge: On Wall 5 repeat this section (Count 17-24) two more times

[25 – 32] ⅛ L Hip Roll (2x), Step, ¼ R Side, ¼ R Side, Together
1, 2Step R to right side and roll hip counterclockwise making ⅛ turn left take weight on L (1-2) 1:30
3, 4Repeat 1-2 (3-4) 12:00
5, 6Step R fw (5), ¼ turn right step L to left side (6) 3:00
7, 8¼ turn right step R to right side (7), Step L next to R (8) 6:00

Tag: At the end of Wall 2, do the following 16 counts then start Wall 3 facing 6:00
1 - 4Cross R over L (1), Step L to left side (2), Step R behind L (3), Step L to left side (4) 12:00
5 - 8Point R to right side (5), Hold (6), Ring an invisible bell with R index finger to right side at shoulder height (7), Hold (8) Note: There’s a slight pause in the music here 12:00

1 - 4¼ turn right step R fw (1), ¼ turn right step L to left side (2), Step R behind L (3), Step L to left side (4) 6:00
5 - 8Point R to right side (5), Hold (6), Ring an invisible bell with R index finger to right side at shoulder height (7), Hold (8) 6:00

Bridge: On Wall 5, dance up to Count 24 (Cross L over R) facing 9:00 then repeat Counts 17-24 two more times before continuing with the rest of the dance (Counts 25-32) facing 3:00

Ending: Dance ends on Count 16 of Wall 6 facing 12:00. Raise both hands up over head, with arms extended lower hands out to sides slowly while doing Jazz Hands as the music subsides (see my demo)

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2023 7 FEB 3 18 FEB '23 100

5 評論

Happy Feeet February 1, 2023
BIG SPENDER is going to be one of our faves in 2023 here in Honolulu.
Our friends just learned fresh off your posted sheet. Love your demo, many have been waiting. 🤩👍

hee yon February 1, 2023
Vote 5😀😀😀😀😀

Happy Feeet February 6, 2023
Congrats ! 👏 Julia.

Chany J February 7, 2023
Love it ❤️

RiLo February 8, 2023
Awesome choreo Julia 👍👍 Love it!

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