CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Counting Kisses

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Charlotte Steele (SA) - January 2023
Sewe Soene - Die Campbells : (Album: Grootste Platinum Treffers)
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Alt Music: Sewe Sondes – Andries Pretorius (album: Super 12 Treffers)

I love the energy of this track – hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Intro: Start on vocals, 4 counts after start of heavy beat. Four Easy Tags. One Restart.

Sec.1 Diagonal Step-Lock, Step-Lock-Step R-L.
1-2Step R forward to right diagonal, lock L behind R
3&4Step R forward to right diagonal, (&) lock L behind R, step R forward
5-6Turn to L diagonal and step L forward, lock R behind L
7&8Step L forward to left diagonal, (&) lock R behind L, step L forward (12:00)

Sec.2 R Rock Fwd-Recover. Shuffle Back RLR. L Rock Back-Recover. Shuffle Fwd LRL.
1-2Turn to face front and rock R forward, recover back onto L
3&4Step back on R, (&) step L next to R, step back on R
5-6Rock back on L, recover forward onto R
7&8Step forward on L, (&) step R next to L, step L forward (12:00)
Restart here on wall 6 facing 6:00

Sec.3 R Side-Behind. Chasse 1/4 right. L Rock Fwd-Recover. Chasse 1/2 left.
1-2Step R to right side, step L behind R (weight to L)
3&4Step R to right side, (&) step L next to R, turn 1/4 right (3:00), stepping fwd on R (weight to R)
5-6Rock forward on L, recover back onto R
7&8Turn ¼ left (12:00) stepping L to side, step R next to L, turn ¼ left (9:00) stepping fwd on L (9:00)

Sec.4 Paddle Turn 1/4 left. Shuffle Fwd RLR. L Rock Fwd. L Coaster-Cross.
1-2Touch R forward, turn 1/4 left on ball of both feet (end with weight on L) (6:00)
3&4Step forward on R, (&) step L next to R, step R forward
5-6Rock forward on L, recover back onto R
7&8Step L back, step R next to L, cross L over R, turning to R diagonal to start again… (6:00)

Start Again

TAG: 4 counts at the end of wall 4, 5, 10, 11: HIP BUMPS R-L-R-L
1-4Small step R to right side and bump hips right-left-right-left (end with weight to L)

Dance ends on wall 12, Sec.1 count 3&4, facing 12:00.

I dedicate this dance to Russell Breslauer, for reasons he has no need to question!
Thank you Russell!


Last Update: 27 January 2023

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