Absolute Beginner
32 Count intro.
Alternative Music:
“Wagon Wheel” by Nathan Carter.
“When My Little Girl is Smiling” by Paul Carrack.
“Same Thing Happened to Me” by John Prine.
“Made You Look” by Meghan Trainor.
K Step
1 2Diagonal step forward right. (1.30) Touch left beside right.
3 4Diagonal step back left. (7.30) Touch right beside left.
5 6Diagonal step back right, (4.30). Touch left beside right.
7 8Diagonal step forward left. (10.30) Touch right beside left.
Grapevine Right. Touch. Grapevine Left. Touch.
9 10Step right to side. Step left behind right.
11 12Step right to side. Touch left beside right.
13 14Step left to side. Step right behind left.
15 16Step left to side. Touch right beside left.
Reverse Rumba Box
17 18Step right to side. Step left beside right.
19 20Step back on right. Touch left beside right.
21 22Step left to side. Step right beside left.
23 24Step left forward. Touch right beside left.
Grapevine Vine ¼ Right Turn. Touch. Hip Sways L.R.L. Touch.
25 26Step right to side. Step left behind right.
27 28Quarter right turn, stepping forward right. Touch left beside right.
29 30Step left to side, swaying hips left. Sway hips right.
31 32Sway hips left. Touch right beside left. (3o’clock)
Alternative Music:
“Wagon Wheel” by Nathan Carter.
“When My Little Girl is Smiling” by Paul Carrack.
“Same Thing Happened to Me” by John Prine.
“Made You Look” by Meghan Trainor.
K Step
1 2Diagonal step forward right. (1.30) Touch left beside right.
3 4Diagonal step back left. (7.30) Touch right beside left.
5 6Diagonal step back right, (4.30). Touch left beside right.
7 8Diagonal step forward left. (10.30) Touch right beside left.
Grapevine Right. Touch. Grapevine Left. Touch.
9 10Step right to side. Step left behind right.
11 12Step right to side. Touch left beside right.
13 14Step left to side. Step right behind left.
15 16Step left to side. Touch right beside left.
Reverse Rumba Box
17 18Step right to side. Step left beside right.
19 20Step back on right. Touch left beside right.
21 22Step left to side. Step right beside left.
23 24Step left forward. Touch right beside left.
Grapevine Vine ¼ Right Turn. Touch. Hip Sways L.R.L. Touch.
25 26Step right to side. Step left behind right.
27 28Quarter right turn, stepping forward right. Touch left beside right.
29 30Step left to side, swaying hips left. Sway hips right.
31 32Sway hips left. Touch right beside left. (3o’clock)