Intro: 8 counts
S1 (1 – 8) Skate x 2, Cross, Close, ¼ R, Walk x 2, Lunge, Replace, Back, Close, ½ L, Forward
1 2RF skate R (1), LF skate L (2)
3&RF cross over LF (3), LF close beside RF (&)
4&Turn ¼ R to face 3:00, RF step forward (4), LF step forward (&)
5 6RF lunge forward (5), Push back, replace on LF (6)
7&8RF step back (7), LF close beside RF, turn ½ L to face 9:00 (&), RF step forward (8)
S2 (9 – 16) ¼ R, Knee sway x 2, Side, Cross, Tap, Behind, ¼ R, Forward, ¼ R, Side, 1/8 R, Sweep, Sailor step
1Turn ¼ R to face 12:00, bend L knee, bring L knee over R knee (1)
2 3&Bring L knee back to L, open L (2), LF step to side (3), RF cross over LF (&)
4LF tap to side (4)
5&LF cross behind RF (5), Turn ¼ R to face 3:00, RF step forward (&)
6Turn ¼ R to face 6:00, LF step to side, RF sweep back (6)
7&8Turn 1/8 R to face 7:30, RF cross behind (7), LF close beside RF (&) RF step to R diagonal forward (8)
S3 (17 – 24) Toe strut, Sweep, Sailor step, ¾ R, 5/8 R, Tap, Body roll, Behind, Tap
1 2LF tap slightly forward, bump L hip (1), Replace on LF (2)
3&4RF cross behind LF (3), LF close beside RF (&), RF step diagonal R forward (4),
(Make a ¾ R rotation to face 4:30 over count 3&4)
5 6Turn 5/8 R to face 12:00 on RF, LF tap to side (5), Hold (6)
7&8Body roll, transfer weight to LF (7), RF cross behind LF (&), LF tap to side (8)
S4 (25 – 32) Behind, ¼ R, Forward, ½ R, Cross tap x 3, Side, Hip roll
1 2&LF step behind RF (1), Turn ¼ R to face 3:00, RF step forward (2)Turn ½ R to face 6:00 (&)
3&LF cross tap over RF with bent L knee (3), LF take weight (&)
4&RF cross tap over LF with bent R knee (4), RF take weight (&)
5&LF cross tap over RF with bent L knee (5), LF take weight (&)
6RF step to side, hip roll anti-clockwise R to L (6)
7 8Complete a full anti-clockwise hip roll, transfer weight to LF (7,8)
S1 (1 – 8) Skate x 2, Cross, Close, ¼ R, Walk x 2, Lunge, Replace, Back, Close, ½ L, Forward
1 2RF skate R (1), LF skate L (2)
3&RF cross over LF (3), LF close beside RF (&)
4&Turn ¼ R to face 3:00, RF step forward (4), LF step forward (&)
5 6RF lunge forward (5), Push back, replace on LF (6)
7&8RF step back (7), LF close beside RF, turn ½ L to face 9:00 (&), RF step forward (8)
S2 (9 – 16) ¼ R, Knee sway x 2, Side, Cross, Tap, Behind, ¼ R, Forward, ¼ R, Side, 1/8 R, Sweep, Sailor step
1Turn ¼ R to face 12:00, bend L knee, bring L knee over R knee (1)
2 3&Bring L knee back to L, open L (2), LF step to side (3), RF cross over LF (&)
4LF tap to side (4)
5&LF cross behind RF (5), Turn ¼ R to face 3:00, RF step forward (&)
6Turn ¼ R to face 6:00, LF step to side, RF sweep back (6)
7&8Turn 1/8 R to face 7:30, RF cross behind (7), LF close beside RF (&) RF step to R diagonal forward (8)
S3 (17 – 24) Toe strut, Sweep, Sailor step, ¾ R, 5/8 R, Tap, Body roll, Behind, Tap
1 2LF tap slightly forward, bump L hip (1), Replace on LF (2)
3&4RF cross behind LF (3), LF close beside RF (&), RF step diagonal R forward (4),
(Make a ¾ R rotation to face 4:30 over count 3&4)
5 6Turn 5/8 R to face 12:00 on RF, LF tap to side (5), Hold (6)
7&8Body roll, transfer weight to LF (7), RF cross behind LF (&), LF tap to side (8)
S4 (25 – 32) Behind, ¼ R, Forward, ½ R, Cross tap x 3, Side, Hip roll
1 2&LF step behind RF (1), Turn ¼ R to face 3:00, RF step forward (2)Turn ½ R to face 6:00 (&)
3&LF cross tap over RF with bent L knee (3), LF take weight (&)
4&RF cross tap over LF with bent R knee (4), RF take weight (&)
5&LF cross tap over RF with bent L knee (5), LF take weight (&)
6RF step to side, hip roll anti-clockwise R to L (6)
7 8Complete a full anti-clockwise hip roll, transfer weight to LF (7,8)