High Beginner
Intro: 32 counts
Tag: 2 counts -after walls 2, 5,6,7, 9,10,
Sec 1: Step/Sweep* R,L, Samba R, Cross, 1/4L back, Back, Step/Sweep* R,L, Fwd
Mambo, Back Mambo
1 2Step R fwd with sweep L, step L fwd with sweep R
3&aCross R over L, step L side, recover on R
4&aCross L over R, 1/4 turn to lefts step R on back, step L on back (9:00)
5 6Step R fwd with sweep L, step L fwd with sweep R
7&aStep R fwd rock, step L recover, step R back
8&aStep L back rock, step R recover, step L fwd
Sec 2: Fwd/Hitch, Back/Drag Side Mambo, Walk Around 3/4R
1 2Step R fwd with hitch L, step L back with drag R
3&aStep R side rock, step L recover, step R together
4 5 6While walking 3/4 turn to the right L,R,L (6:00)
Tag: 2Count : after walls 2, 5,6,7, 9,10
1 2Drawing a circle with your right foot from front to back
Contact: yoonjjang68@hanmail.net
Tag: 2 counts -after walls 2, 5,6,7, 9,10,
Sec 1: Step/Sweep* R,L, Samba R, Cross, 1/4L back, Back, Step/Sweep* R,L, Fwd
Mambo, Back Mambo
1 2Step R fwd with sweep L, step L fwd with sweep R
3&aCross R over L, step L side, recover on R
4&aCross L over R, 1/4 turn to lefts step R on back, step L on back (9:00)
5 6Step R fwd with sweep L, step L fwd with sweep R
7&aStep R fwd rock, step L recover, step R back
8&aStep L back rock, step R recover, step L fwd
Sec 2: Fwd/Hitch, Back/Drag Side Mambo, Walk Around 3/4R
1 2Step R fwd with hitch L, step L back with drag R
3&aStep R side rock, step L recover, step R together
4 5 6While walking 3/4 turn to the right L,R,L (6:00)
Tag: 2Count : after walls 2, 5,6,7, 9,10
1 2Drawing a circle with your right foot from front to back
Contact: yoonjjang68@hanmail.net