Intro: 32 cts (0:18 secs)
S1. Walk Forward, Rock Forward Recover, Side Rock Recover, Walk Forward, Back Lock Back
1-2RF walk, LF walk
3&4&RF rock forward, Recover on LF, RF rock R, Recover on LF
5-6RF walk, LF walk
7&8RF step back, LF cross over RF, RF step back
S2. ½ Turn L, Step Forward, ¼ Turn L, Cross, Cucaracha L&R
1-2½ turn L and LF step forward (6:00), RF step forward
3-4¼ turn L (9:00), RF cross over LF (3:00)
5-6&LF step L, RF step next to LF, Change weight to LF
7-8&RF step R side, LF step next to RF, Change weight to RF
Restart – W3
S3. ¼ Turn R Bachata L, Side Cross, R Coaster Step
1-2¼ turn R and LF step L, RF step next to LF
3-4LF step L, RF touch next to LF and bring R hip up (7:30)
5-6RF step R, LF cross over RF
7&8RF step back, LF step next to RF, RF step forward (6:00)
S4. Arc ¼ Turn L And Walk Forward, Cha Cha Forward, Rock Recover, Back Point, Recover Flick
1-21/8 turn L and LF step forward, 1/8 turn L and RF step forward (3:00)
3&4LF step forward, RF step next to LF, LF step forward
5-6RF rock forward, Recover on LF
&78RF step back, LF touch forward, Recover on LF and flick RF back
Restart Wall 3 (6:00) to start. Dance 16 counts and Restart (9:00)
7-8RF step R, LF step next to RF (Weight LF) Restart
S1. Walk Forward, Rock Forward Recover, Side Rock Recover, Walk Forward, Back Lock Back
1-2RF walk, LF walk
3&4&RF rock forward, Recover on LF, RF rock R, Recover on LF
5-6RF walk, LF walk
7&8RF step back, LF cross over RF, RF step back
S2. ½ Turn L, Step Forward, ¼ Turn L, Cross, Cucaracha L&R
1-2½ turn L and LF step forward (6:00), RF step forward
3-4¼ turn L (9:00), RF cross over LF (3:00)
5-6&LF step L, RF step next to LF, Change weight to LF
7-8&RF step R side, LF step next to RF, Change weight to RF
Restart – W3
S3. ¼ Turn R Bachata L, Side Cross, R Coaster Step
1-2¼ turn R and LF step L, RF step next to LF
3-4LF step L, RF touch next to LF and bring R hip up (7:30)
5-6RF step R, LF cross over RF
7&8RF step back, LF step next to RF, RF step forward (6:00)
S4. Arc ¼ Turn L And Walk Forward, Cha Cha Forward, Rock Recover, Back Point, Recover Flick
1-21/8 turn L and LF step forward, 1/8 turn L and RF step forward (3:00)
3&4LF step forward, RF step next to LF, LF step forward
5-6RF rock forward, Recover on LF
&78RF step back, LF touch forward, Recover on LF and flick RF back
Restart Wall 3 (6:00) to start. Dance 16 counts and Restart (9:00)
7-8RF step R, LF step next to RF (Weight LF) Restart