CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Let the Sun in your Heart

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Mary Garner (UK) - August 2022
Laat de zon in je hart - René Schuurmans : (Album: Hollandse Sterren - Zomerhits)
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Intro: 32 counts

Section 1 - Side, Behind, Side Chasse , Cross Rock, Shuffle 1/4 Turn Left
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right
3&4Step right to side, step left beside right, step right to side
5-6Cross left over right, recover weight on right
7&8Step left to left, step right beside left, step left 1/4 turn left.

Section 2 - 2 x Step 1/4 Turns Left, Jazz Box with a Cross
1-2Step forward on right, pivot 1/4 turn left,
3-4Step forward on right, pivot 1/4 turn left
5-6Cross right over left, step back on left
7-8Step back on right, cross left over right.
*Restarts here on walls 3 and 8

Section 3 - Right Side Chasse, Rock Step, Left Side Chasse, Rock Step
1&2Step right to right side, step left beside right, step right to side
3-4.Rock left behind right, recover weight on right
5&6Step left to left side, step right beside left, step left to side
7-8Rock right behind left, recover weight on left

Section 4 - Step Forward Touch, Step Back Touch, Rocking Chair,
1-2Step forward on right, touch left behind right
3-4Step back on left, step right beside left
5-6Rock forward on right, recover weight on left
7-8Rock back on right, recover weight on left.
(Optional 2 step half turns left, instead of Rocking Chair)

Restarts 2: Dance 16 counts then restart on walls 3 and 8

When the music slows down, keep dancing at the same tempo. Don’t slow down.


Last Update: 6 Nov 2022

3 評論

bjb September 1, 2022
Lovely dance with catchy music, well done Mary x

ELLS September 1, 2022
This dance is brill it fits great to the music and
its as good as any other top beginner dances
well done my friend xx

Tiptoes September 3, 2022
Lovely beginner dance nice tune ,the dance fits well to the music

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