Intro: 24 counts. (The song slows down at the end. You will end with the jazz Box)
Cross over, Triple Step R, vine, Repeat going L
1-2-3&4Step L to L side, Step on R, Cross L over R, L/R/L
5-8Step R to R side, L behind R, Step R, Step on L
1-2-3&4Step R to R side, Step on L, Cross R over L, R/L/R
5-8Step L to L side, R behind L, Step L, Touch R to L
Zig-Zag Back R/L, Jazz Box Turning ¼ R
1-4Step R back diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L back diagonally, Touch R to L
5-8Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R, Step on R, touch L
Step Fwd. Kick, Step Back Triple, Rock R Back, L Fwd. Triple
1-4Step R fwd. Kick L fwd. Step L/R/L
5-8Rock R Back, Step fwd. on L, Step R/L/R
A beautiful song. I hope you like it. Sort of tricky at the end, but just stop and wait to continue. Please do not alter routine without my permission. Thank You, Georgie mygeo@adamswells.com or mygrantg@gmail.com
You can reach me at either email. Enjoy!
Cross over, Triple Step R, vine, Repeat going L
1-2-3&4Step L to L side, Step on R, Cross L over R, L/R/L
5-8Step R to R side, L behind R, Step R, Step on L
1-2-3&4Step R to R side, Step on L, Cross R over L, R/L/R
5-8Step L to L side, R behind L, Step L, Touch R to L
Zig-Zag Back R/L, Jazz Box Turning ¼ R
1-4Step R back diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L back diagonally, Touch R to L
5-8Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R, Step on R, touch L
Step Fwd. Kick, Step Back Triple, Rock R Back, L Fwd. Triple
1-4Step R fwd. Kick L fwd. Step L/R/L
5-8Rock R Back, Step fwd. on L, Step R/L/R
A beautiful song. I hope you like it. Sort of tricky at the end, but just stop and wait to continue. Please do not alter routine without my permission. Thank You, Georgie mygeo@adamswells.com or mygrantg@gmail.com
You can reach me at either email. Enjoy!