CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dance Through a Party

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Dianne Borg (AUS) - August 2022
Green Green Grass - George Ezra
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Intro: 16 count approx., Start on vocals

Part A – 32 Counts (Part A is always danced 1 and ¾ times before moving onto Part B)
Section One: Half Right Rumba Box moving forward, Half Left Rumba Box Moving Forward
1,2.Step RF to right side, Step LF next to RF
3,4.Step RF forward, Touch LF next to RF
5,6.Step LF to left side, Step RF next to LF
7,8.Step LF forward, Touch RF next to LF

Section Two: Step Right Back Diagonal, Touch and Clap, Step Left Back turning 1/8th on Diagonal, Touch and Clap, Step Left 1/8th back on diagonal, Touch and Clap, Step Left to Side, Touch and Clap
1,2.Step RF back on diagonal, Touch LF next to RF and clap.
3,4.Step LF back on the diagonal turning 1/8th to left (to 10:30), Touch RF next to LF and clap
5,6.Step RF back on diagonal turning 1/8th to left (to 9:00), Touch LF next to RF and clap
7,8.Step LF to left side, Touch RF next to LF and clap

Section Three: Vine to the Right, Touch Heel Out, Vine left with a 1/4 turn Touch.
1,2.Step RF to right side, Step left foot behind RF,
3,4.Step RF to right side, Touch L Heel out beside RF
5,6.Step LF to the left side, Step RF behind LF
7,8.Turn 1/4 Left and step LF forward, Touch RF next to LF
(Option to put your hands up on the right vine on Wall 1 (only). It says “put your hands up, this is a heist”.)

***This is where Part B starts on the second run through of Part A each time.**

Section Four: Right Side Together Side Touch. Left Side Together Side Touch.
1,2.Step RF to right side, Step LF next to RF
3,4.Step RF to right side, Touch LF next to RF
5,6.Step LF to left side, Step RF next to LF
7,8.Step LF to left side, Touch RF next to LF

Part B 16 counts – Always happens with the chorus and is repeated twice the first two times it is danced, and four times the third time it is danced (to finish the song)

Section 6: Step Right to Side, Recover, Behind, Hold. Step Left Side, Recover, Behind, Hold
1,2.Step RF to right side, Recover weight on left
3,4.Step RF behind LF, Hold
(Option to bend slightly forward and pass your left hand in front of body looking at the ground to mark the hold)
5,6.Step LF to left step, Recover weight on RF,
7,8.Step LF behind RF, Hold
(Option to bring your hands slightly up above your shoulders point up looking to sky to mark the hold)

Section 7: Step Right Side, Behind, Turn 1/4 to the Right, Kick, Take Three Steps Back and Touch.
1,2.Step RF to right side, Step LF behind RF,
3,4.Turn ¼ to the Right stepping RF forward, Kick LF to front.
5,6.Step LF back, Step RF back
7,8.Step LF back, Touch RF next to LF

Sequence of Dance
Full A (32), short A (24)
Full B,B
Full A, Short A
Full B,B
Full A, Short A
Full B,B,B,B

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