Improver Viennese Waltz
Start on vocals - 1 Restart
S1: Step sweep, cross side behind
1-3Step L fwd, sweep R over L over 2 beats
4-6Step R across L, step L to left side, step R behind L
S2: Turn 1/4 L point hold, coaster step
1-3Turn 1/4 left step L fwd, point R to right, hold 9:00
4-6Step R back, step L beside R, step R fwd
S3: Step drag, rock recover turn 1/2 R
1-3Big step L fwd, drag R to L over 2 counts
4-6Rock R fwd, recover L, turn 1/2 R step R fwd 3:00
S4. Fwd kick, back hook
1-3Step L fwd, kick R fwd over 2 counts
4-6Step R back, hook L over R over 2 counts
S5. Step point hold, sailor turn 1/2 R
1-3Step L fwd, point R to right side, hold
4-6Turning 1/2 right step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side 9:00
S6. Step touch hold, behind turn 1/4 L step
1-3Step L fwd, touch R to right side, hold
4-6Step R behind L, turn 1/4 left step L fwd, step R fwd 6:00
********** Restart here Wall 9 starts facing 12:00, restarts facing 6:00
S7: Step sweep, cross side behind
1-3Step L fwd, sweep R over L for 2 counts
4-6Cross R over L, step L to left, step R behind L
S8: Step drag touch, step drag touch
1-3Big step L to left side, drag R to L, touch R beside L
4-6Big step R to right side, drag L to R, touch L beside R
Helpful hint: Wall 9 (restart wall) - music is instrumental only
S1: Step sweep, cross side behind
1-3Step L fwd, sweep R over L over 2 beats
4-6Step R across L, step L to left side, step R behind L
S2: Turn 1/4 L point hold, coaster step
1-3Turn 1/4 left step L fwd, point R to right, hold 9:00
4-6Step R back, step L beside R, step R fwd
S3: Step drag, rock recover turn 1/2 R
1-3Big step L fwd, drag R to L over 2 counts
4-6Rock R fwd, recover L, turn 1/2 R step R fwd 3:00
S4. Fwd kick, back hook
1-3Step L fwd, kick R fwd over 2 counts
4-6Step R back, hook L over R over 2 counts
S5. Step point hold, sailor turn 1/2 R
1-3Step L fwd, point R to right side, hold
4-6Turning 1/2 right step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side 9:00
S6. Step touch hold, behind turn 1/4 L step
1-3Step L fwd, touch R to right side, hold
4-6Step R behind L, turn 1/4 left step L fwd, step R fwd 6:00
********** Restart here Wall 9 starts facing 12:00, restarts facing 6:00
S7: Step sweep, cross side behind
1-3Step L fwd, sweep R over L for 2 counts
4-6Cross R over L, step L to left, step R behind L
S8: Step drag touch, step drag touch
1-3Big step L to left side, drag R to L, touch R beside L
4-6Big step R to right side, drag L to R, touch L beside R
Helpful hint: Wall 9 (restart wall) - music is instrumental only