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Adios Amor

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Improver Rumba
Sophia KSF (MY) - August 2022
AdiĆ³s Amor - Pandora
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Intro : 36 counts, dance commence 27 sec into the song
***3 Tags at Wall 2 (6:00), Wall 5 (12:00) & Wall 6 (9:00)
*1 Restart at Wall 4 after 16 count (3:00)

SECTION 1 - RF cross left with 1/8 L turn, hip twist with 3/8 R turn, LF forward, hold, RF to R, recover on LF, rock RF diagonally over LF, recover on LF
1-2RF over LF with 1/8 left turn (10:30) press LF next to RF making 3/8 right turn (3:00)
3-4LF forward, hold
5-6RF to right, replace weight to LF
7-8Rock RF over LF, diagonal (7) recover weight to LF (8)

SECTION 2 - Replace weight on RF, hip twist with 3/8 R turn, LF forward, hold, RF forward, ½ L, LF back, Cuban rock
1-2Replace weight on RF over LF, still diagonally left (1:30) press LF next to RF making 3/8 right turn (6:00)
3-4Step LF forward, hold
5-6RF forward, ½ turn left with LF back (12:00)
7-8Sway right hip forward, sway hips back with weight on LF
(Restart at Wall 4 after 16C)

SECTION 3 - Sliding Doors, LF ¼ L, RF forward
1-2RF back, replace weight to LF
3-4Press RF over LF (3), step RF down (4)
5-6LF to left swaying hips to left, sway hips to right with weight on RF
7-8LF forward with ¼ left turn, RF forward (9:00)

SECTION 4 - Weave to L with sweep, weave to right and point RF
1-4LF to left, RF behind LF, LF to left, cross RF over LF with LF sweep from back to front
5-8Cross LF over RF, RF to right, LF behind RF, point RF to right

TAG : Rock back recover, sway
1-4RF back, recover weight to LF, RF to right, swaying hips right and left

Hope you enjoy this Rumba to the beautiful song!

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