Intro: 16 count intro - Start with LF
Special: 1 restart
(1-8) Coaster step, rocking chair, step 1/4, cross, step 2 x 1/4, touch
1&2Coaster step LRL
3&4&Rocking chair starting with RF
5&6Step forward on RF and turn 1/4 to the left, cross RF over LF (9:00)
7&8Turn 1/4 to the right stepping back on LF, turn 1/4 to the right stepping RF to the right, touch LF beside RF (3:00)
(9-16) Rumba box forward, shuffle back, sway, sway
1&2Step LF to the left, step RF beside LF, step LF forward
3&4Step RF to the right, step LF beside RF, step RF back
5&6Shuffle back LRL
7-8Sway right, sway left
(17-24) Rock 1/4, behind side forward, mambo, hook, shuffle forward
1&2Rock forward on RF, recover on LF, step RF to the right turning 1/4 to the right (6:00)
3&4Step LF behind RF, step RF to the right, step LF slightly forward
5&6&Mambo step starting with RF, hook LF in front of shin
7&8Shuffle forward LRL
(25-32) Step turn step, chassé 1/4, back rock, chassé
1&2Step forward on RF, turn 1/2 shifting weight to LF, step forward on RF (12:00)
3&4Turn 1/4 stepping LF to the left, step RF beside LF, step LF to the left (3:00)
5-6Rock back on RF, recover on LF
7&8Step RF to the right, step LF beside RF, step RF to the right
Remember to enjoy the music, too
You can contact me here: hvenegaard_0914@yahoo.com
Last Update: 8 Jun 2023
Special: 1 restart
(1-8) Coaster step, rocking chair, step 1/4, cross, step 2 x 1/4, touch
1&2Coaster step LRL
3&4&Rocking chair starting with RF
5&6Step forward on RF and turn 1/4 to the left, cross RF over LF (9:00)
7&8Turn 1/4 to the right stepping back on LF, turn 1/4 to the right stepping RF to the right, touch LF beside RF (3:00)
(9-16) Rumba box forward, shuffle back, sway, sway
1&2Step LF to the left, step RF beside LF, step LF forward
3&4Step RF to the right, step LF beside RF, step RF back
5&6Shuffle back LRL
7-8Sway right, sway left
(17-24) Rock 1/4, behind side forward, mambo, hook, shuffle forward
1&2Rock forward on RF, recover on LF, step RF to the right turning 1/4 to the right (6:00)
3&4Step LF behind RF, step RF to the right, step LF slightly forward
5&6&Mambo step starting with RF, hook LF in front of shin
7&8Shuffle forward LRL
(25-32) Step turn step, chassé 1/4, back rock, chassé
1&2Step forward on RF, turn 1/2 shifting weight to LF, step forward on RF (12:00)
3&4Turn 1/4 stepping LF to the left, step RF beside LF, step LF to the left (3:00)
5-6Rock back on RF, recover on LF
7&8Step RF to the right, step LF beside RF, step RF to the right
Remember to enjoy the music, too
You can contact me here: hvenegaard_0914@yahoo.com
Last Update: 8 Jun 2023