CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Watch My Vibe

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Lucy Cooper (UK) - July 2022
Hello - 7th & Hope
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Intro: after 32 counts

Side Rock, Ball, Point, Ball, Point, Hitch, Syncopated Jazz Box Touch, Hip Bump, Ball
1 2&Rock R to R side, recover onto L, ball step R beside L
3&4&Point L to L side, step L beside R, point R out to R side, hitch R
5 6&Cross R over left, step L to back diagonal, step R to side
7&8&Touch L forward, bump hips L, recover hips to centre, ball step L beside R

Forward Rock, ½ R, ¼ R Side Rock, Cross, Side, ¼ Sailor L
1 2Rock R forward, recover onto L
3 4&½ Turn R stepping R forward, turn ¼ R rocking L to side, recover onto R (9.00)
5 6Cross L over R, step R to R side
7&8Cross L behind R turning ¼ L, step R to side, step L to side. (6.00)
Restart here on Wall 2, and Wall 4

R Dorothy Step, Kick Ball Touch, Forward Rock, Side Rock ¼ R, Back
1 2&Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind, step R to R diagonal
3&4Kick L to L diagonal, Step L down, touch R beside L (facing L diagonal) (4.30)
5 6Rock R forward, recover onto L (still facing L diagonal)
7&8Rock R to R side turning ¼ R to R diagonal, recover onto L, step R back (7.30)

Side Rock L, Back, Kick Ball Sit, Step, Full Turn L, Touch
1&2Rock L to L side straightening up to 6.00, recover onto R, step L back (6.00)
3&4Kick R forward, step R slightly back, touch L forward sitting into R
5 6Step L forward, step R back turning ½ L (12.00)
7 8Step L forward turning ½ L, touch R beside L (6.00)

TAG — 32 counts. Happens at the end of Wall 1 (6.00), and end of Wall 3 (12.00)
Side Rock, Ball, Side Rock, Ball, Big Step Forward, Walk, Step, ½ Pivot L
1 2&Rock R to R side, recover onto L, ball step R beside L
3 4&Rock L to L side, recover onto R, ball step L beside R
5 6Big step forward on R, step L forward
7 8Step R forward, ½ pivot L (12.00)

Side Rock, Ball, Side Rock, Ball, Big Step Forward, Walk, Step, ½ Pivot L
1 2&Rock R to R side, recover onto L, ball step R beside L
3 4&Rock L to L side, recover onto R, ball step L beside R
5 6Big step forward on R, step L forward
7 8Step R forward, ½ pivot L (6.00)

Jazz Box ¼ R, Jazz Box ¼ R Cross
1 2Cross R over L, step L back
3 4Step R to side turning ¼ R, step L forward (9.00)
5 6Cross R over L, step L back
7 8Step R to side turning ¼ R, cross L over R (12.00)

Side Rock, Cross, Side Rock, Cross, Side, Run round full turn L, Touch
1&2&Rock R to R side, recover onto L, cross R over L, rock L to L side
3&4Recover onto R, cross L over R, step R to R side
5&6& 4small fast runs in a full turn L (L R L R)
7 8Step L to complete the turn, Touch R beside L (12.00)

TAG 2 (12 counts. Happens at the end of Wall 5 facing 6.00)
Side Rock, Ball, Side Rock, Ball, Big Step Forward, Walk, Step, ½ Pivot L
1 2&Rock R to R side, recover onto L, ball step R beside L
3 4&Rock L to L side, recover onto R, ball step L beside R
5 6Big step forward on R, step L forward
7 8Step R forward, ½ pivot L (12.00)

Cross, Back, Run full circle R
1 2Cross R over L, step L diagonally back
3&4& 4small fast runs in full circle R (R L R L) (12.00)

Wall 1
Tag 1
Wall 2 – restart after 16 counts
Wall 3
Tag 1
Wall 4 – restart after 16 counts
Wall 5
Tag 2
Wall 6

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