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Bridal Train

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Matt Coleman (AUS) - June 2022
Bridal Train - The Waifs
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#32 count Intro

Note: This dance is designed to be danced as if you were at a folk festival or barn dance so pick up your skirts, lift your knees, swing your hips, stomp your feet and feel the music!

Section 1: Stomp Right Forward to Right Diag, Together, Chasse Diag., Stop Left Forward to Left Diag., Together, Chasse Diag.
1,2Facing 12:00, Lift R knee to Step RF to R Diag., Step LF next to RF.
3&4Step RF to R Diag., Step LF next to RF, Step RF to R Diag.,
5,6Still Facing 12:00, Lift L knee to Step LF to L Diag, Step RF next to LF.
3&4Step LF to L Diag., Step RF next to LF, Lift R knee to Step RF to R Diag,

Section 2: Right Rocking Chair, Half Monterey
1,2Step RF forward to take weight, Recover weight onto LF
3,4Step RF back to take weight, Recover weight onto LF
5,6Point RF to R Side, Bring RF in to Turn Half (to 6:00) and take weight
7,8Point LF to L side, Step LF next to RF and take weight

Section 3: (Stomp) Weave Left and Sweep, Weave Right and Point
1, 2Lift R knee to step (stomp) across LF, Step LF to L side
3, 4Step RF behind LF, Sweep LF from front to behind RF
5,6Take weight on LF, Step RF to R Side
7,8Step LF across RF, Point RF to R side

Section 4: Cross Rock and Chasse
1,2Step RF across LF, Recover weight onto LF
3&4Step RF to R side, Step LF next to RF, Step RF to R side
5, 6Step LF across RF, Recover weight onto RF
3&4Step LF to L side, Step RF next to LF, Step LF to L side

Section 5: (Stomp) Figure 8 to the right
1-4Stomp R to R side, Step, LF behind RF, Turn ¼ R (to 9:00) and Step RF forward, Step LF forward.
5-8Pivot half turn right taking weight on RF, turn ¼ (to 6:00) and step LF to L side, Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L side

Section 6: Right Sailor Step, Left Sailor Step, Hip Sways Forward and Back
1&2Step RF behind LF, Recover weight on LF, Step RF to R side
3&4Step LF behind RF, Recover weight on RF, Step LF to L side
5-8Step RF to R diag. and swing R hip forward (lifting L heel), Swing L hip back over LF (lifting R heel), Swing R hip forward over RF (lifting L heel), Swing L hip back over LF (lifting R heel),

Section 7: Chasse forward and Rock, Chasse Back and rock
1&2Lift R knee to step RF forward, Step LF next to RF, Lift R knee to step RF forward
3,4Lift L knee to step forward with LF and take weight (lifting R heel), Recover weigh on RF
5&6Lift L knee to step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Lift L knee to step LF back
7,8Lift R knee step back and take weight (lifting L heel), Recover weight onto LF

Section 8: A half chasse, a quarter chasses and a half chasse all rolling to the right, Step Touch.
1&2Turn 1/4 R (to 9:00) and step RF slightly forward, Step LF next to RF, Turn 1/4 R to 12:00) and step RF slightly fwd.
3&4Turn 1/4 R (to 3:00) and step LF slightly back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF slightly back.
5&6Turn 1/4 R (to 6:00) and step RF slightly fwd, Step LF next to RF, Turn 1/4 R to 9:00) and step RF slightly fwd.
7,8Step LF to L side, Tap R toe next to LF

At the end of wall 2 (facing 6:00) and wall 4 (facing 12;00) there is a tag which is just about marking time.

**Two 6 count Tags at the of wall 2 and wall 4
1,2Step RF to R side, Tap L toe next to RF
3,4Step LF to R side, Tap R toe next to LF
5,6Tap R toe next to LF twice


Last Update – 27 June 2022

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