Start at vocals, 16 counts after intro
[1-8] Vine Right, ½ pivot, step right to right, step left to left
1-4Right to right side, left behind, right to right side, cross left over front (12:00)
5-8Right forward, pivot ½ left, step right, step left (in a swaying motion) (6:00)
[1-8] Weave left, Unwind ½ with kick, Rock back, recover
1-4Weave right over left, left to side, right behind, left to side (6:00)
5-8Cross right over left, unwind ½, kick left forward, rock back on left, recover on right (12:00)
[1-8] Left vine with ¼ turn left, sweep, jazz box traveling back
1-4Left to side, right behind, left to side, sweep right over left (9:00)
5-8Cross right over left, step back on left, step back on right, cross left over right (9:00)
[1-8] Modified full turn vine with ¼, ½, ¼ turns, rock back, recover
1-4Right side, left behind, turn ¼ right, step left forward (12:00)
5-8Pivot ½ right, turn ¼ stepping left to left, rock back on right (lean back), recover on left (9:00)
No tags or restarts! Hooray!
Contact: linda.leclaire@yahoo.com
[1-8] Vine Right, ½ pivot, step right to right, step left to left
1-4Right to right side, left behind, right to right side, cross left over front (12:00)
5-8Right forward, pivot ½ left, step right, step left (in a swaying motion) (6:00)
[1-8] Weave left, Unwind ½ with kick, Rock back, recover
1-4Weave right over left, left to side, right behind, left to side (6:00)
5-8Cross right over left, unwind ½, kick left forward, rock back on left, recover on right (12:00)
[1-8] Left vine with ¼ turn left, sweep, jazz box traveling back
1-4Left to side, right behind, left to side, sweep right over left (9:00)
5-8Cross right over left, step back on left, step back on right, cross left over right (9:00)
[1-8] Modified full turn vine with ¼, ½, ¼ turns, rock back, recover
1-4Right side, left behind, turn ¼ right, step left forward (12:00)
5-8Pivot ½ right, turn ¼ stepping left to left, rock back on right (lean back), recover on left (9:00)
No tags or restarts! Hooray!
Contact: linda.leclaire@yahoo.com