32 count intro when it says whiskey is when the dance starts
Weight starts on left
S1-slide, hold, forward shuffle, half turn, quarter turn hitch, quarter turn shuffle.
1,2-slide to right, hold
3&4-forward shuffle RLR
5-half turn over right stepping back on left.
6-quarter turn right with a hitch with right leg
7&8-quarter turn right shuffle forward RLR
S2- rock, recover, half turn shuffle, step half turn, step half turn
1,2-rock forward on left, replace weight back to right
3&4half turn over left with a shuffle step LRL
5,6,7,8step forward on right, half turn over left , step forward on right, half turn over left
Restart here walls 2&4
S3- Step, lock step, step, lock step, step, forward shuffle, half turn
1&2&3&4-step forward with right, step left behind right, step right forward, step left forward, step right behind left, step left Forward, step right forward.
5&6forward shuffle LRL
7,8step half turn over left
S4- kick ball change, kick ball change, step quarter, stomp, stomp
1&2,3&4-kick right out, stomp right, stomp left, kick right out, stomp right, stomp left
5,6step forward right with quarter turn left
7,8stomp right, stomp left.
Last Update: 19 May 2023 - R2
Weight starts on left
S1-slide, hold, forward shuffle, half turn, quarter turn hitch, quarter turn shuffle.
1,2-slide to right, hold
3&4-forward shuffle RLR
5-half turn over right stepping back on left.
6-quarter turn right with a hitch with right leg
7&8-quarter turn right shuffle forward RLR
S2- rock, recover, half turn shuffle, step half turn, step half turn
1,2-rock forward on left, replace weight back to right
3&4half turn over left with a shuffle step LRL
5,6,7,8step forward on right, half turn over left , step forward on right, half turn over left
Restart here walls 2&4
S3- Step, lock step, step, lock step, step, forward shuffle, half turn
1&2&3&4-step forward with right, step left behind right, step right forward, step left forward, step right behind left, step left Forward, step right forward.
5&6forward shuffle LRL
7,8step half turn over left
S4- kick ball change, kick ball change, step quarter, stomp, stomp
1&2,3&4-kick right out, stomp right, stomp left, kick right out, stomp right, stomp left
5,6step forward right with quarter turn left
7,8stomp right, stomp left.
Last Update: 19 May 2023 - R2