Intro: 8 Counts. No Tags. No Restarts. Weight on left foot.
Side, Tog, Cross Shuffle, Side, Behind, 1/4 Turning Shuffle
1,2,3&4Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R over L, step L next to R, Step R over L
5,6,7&8Step L to L side, step R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping LRL (9.00)
Forward, Rock, Side, Rock, Behind, Side, Side, Behind
1,2,3,4Step fwd on R, rock recover on L, step R to R side, rock recover on L
5,6,7,8Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side, step L behind R
Side, Together, Shuffle Forward, Forward, Rock, 1/2 Turning Shuffle
1,2,3&4Step R to R side, step L tog, step R fwd, step L tog, step R fwd
5,6,7&8Step L forward, rock back on R, turn ½ L stepping LRL (3.00)
1/4 Side, Behind, 1/4 Shuffle Forward, Step Back, ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward
1,2,3&4Turn ¼ L step R to side, step L behind R, turn ¼ R step R fwd, step L tog,step R fwd
5,6,7&8Step L back, turn ½ R take weight on R, step L fwd, step R tog, step L fwd.
Ending: WALL 11 (6.00)
Dance to count 28 then step L back, turn ¼ to the front, cross shuffle LRL, step R tog,
Contact: antoinette.john@gmail.com
Side, Tog, Cross Shuffle, Side, Behind, 1/4 Turning Shuffle
1,2,3&4Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R over L, step L next to R, Step R over L
5,6,7&8Step L to L side, step R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping LRL (9.00)
Forward, Rock, Side, Rock, Behind, Side, Side, Behind
1,2,3,4Step fwd on R, rock recover on L, step R to R side, rock recover on L
5,6,7,8Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side, step L behind R
Side, Together, Shuffle Forward, Forward, Rock, 1/2 Turning Shuffle
1,2,3&4Step R to R side, step L tog, step R fwd, step L tog, step R fwd
5,6,7&8Step L forward, rock back on R, turn ½ L stepping LRL (3.00)
1/4 Side, Behind, 1/4 Shuffle Forward, Step Back, ½ Turn, Shuffle Forward
1,2,3&4Turn ¼ L step R to side, step L behind R, turn ¼ R step R fwd, step L tog,step R fwd
5,6,7&8Step L back, turn ½ R take weight on R, step L fwd, step R tog, step L fwd.
Ending: WALL 11 (6.00)
Dance to count 28 then step L back, turn ¼ to the front, cross shuffle LRL, step R tog,
Contact: antoinette.john@gmail.com