High Improver
Dance begins after 24 counts, on lyrics
**2 Tags, end of wall 5, wall 7 after 14 counts
(1-8) Vaudeville, Toe Struts with Hip Bumps making ½ Hinge Turn
1, 2&Step RF to R side, step LF behind RF, step RF to R side
3&4Touch LF heel diagonally forward L, step LF back beside RF, cross RF over LF
5&6Step LF toe to L side making ¼ tun L (5), step LF heel down (6), hips bumping LRL (5&6) (9:00)
7&8Step RF toe to R side making ¼ tun L (7), step RF heel down (8), hips bumping RLR (7&8) (6:00)
(9-16) Sailor Steps x2, Rocking Chair
1&2Rock LF behind RF, recover weight into LF, step LF to L side
3&4Rock RF behind LF, recover weight into RF, step RF to R side
5, 6Rock LF forward, recover weight back onto RF
7, 8Rock LF backwards, recover forward onto RF
(17-24) ¼ Pivot, Crossing Toe Strut, ½ Hinge Turn, Crossing Toe Strut
1, 2Step LF forward, ¼ pivot turn R putting weight onto RF (9:00)
3, 4Cross LF toe across RF, step LF heel down
5, 6Step RF back while making ¼ turn L, step LF to L side while making ¼ turn L (3:00)
7, 8Cross RF toe across LF, step RF heel down
(25-32) Rock 1/8 Turn, Recover, Coaster Step, Rock, Recover, 1/8 Turn Step, Drag and Touch
1, 2Rock LF diagonally forward L (1:30), recover weight back onto RF
3&4Step LF back, step RF together to LF, step LF forward
5,6Rock RF forward, recover weight back onto LF
7, 8Step RF to R side making 1/8 turn R squaring back up to 3:00, drag and touch LF to RF
(33-40) Heel Grind, Coaster Step, Heel Grind ¼ Turn, Rock Back, Recover
1, 2Step LF forward, grind LF heel turning toe to L side, weight to RF
3&4Step LF back, step RF together to LF, step LF forward
5, 6Step RF forward, grind RF heel turning toe to R side making ¼ turn to R side (6:00), weight to LF
7, 8Rock RF back, recover weight forward onto LF
(41-48) Side Step, Drag, Shoulder Shimmy and Clap x2
1Step RF to R side
2, 3, 4Dip down and drag LF to RF and shimmy shoulders (2,3), touch LF to to RF and clap (4)
5Step LF to L side
6, 7, 8Dip down and drag RF to LF and shimmy shoulders (6, 7), touch RF toe to LF and clap (8)
TAG 1: Add to end of Wall 5
1,2Step RF to R side, touch LF toe to RF
3,4Step LF to L side, touch RF toe to LF
TAG 2: During 2nd 8 count of Wall 7
Slow down the rocking chair to match the speed of the music, and make the following change;
5, 6Rock LF forward, recover weight back onto RF
7, 8Touch LF toe behind RF, ½ unwind turn over L shoulder
During the unwind, make some kind of “big ending” move (arms out, fist pump, make it creative!)
There are 2 options based upon the crowd/venue/DJ
Option 1: Restart the dance after the 16 count break (Kane Brown even counts you in!) and dance the remaining minute-plus of the instrumental finish
Option 2: Phase out the music to end the song/dance at this break
Last Update: 23 Aug 2022
**2 Tags, end of wall 5, wall 7 after 14 counts
(1-8) Vaudeville, Toe Struts with Hip Bumps making ½ Hinge Turn
1, 2&Step RF to R side, step LF behind RF, step RF to R side
3&4Touch LF heel diagonally forward L, step LF back beside RF, cross RF over LF
5&6Step LF toe to L side making ¼ tun L (5), step LF heel down (6), hips bumping LRL (5&6) (9:00)
7&8Step RF toe to R side making ¼ tun L (7), step RF heel down (8), hips bumping RLR (7&8) (6:00)
(9-16) Sailor Steps x2, Rocking Chair
1&2Rock LF behind RF, recover weight into LF, step LF to L side
3&4Rock RF behind LF, recover weight into RF, step RF to R side
5, 6Rock LF forward, recover weight back onto RF
7, 8Rock LF backwards, recover forward onto RF
(17-24) ¼ Pivot, Crossing Toe Strut, ½ Hinge Turn, Crossing Toe Strut
1, 2Step LF forward, ¼ pivot turn R putting weight onto RF (9:00)
3, 4Cross LF toe across RF, step LF heel down
5, 6Step RF back while making ¼ turn L, step LF to L side while making ¼ turn L (3:00)
7, 8Cross RF toe across LF, step RF heel down
(25-32) Rock 1/8 Turn, Recover, Coaster Step, Rock, Recover, 1/8 Turn Step, Drag and Touch
1, 2Rock LF diagonally forward L (1:30), recover weight back onto RF
3&4Step LF back, step RF together to LF, step LF forward
5,6Rock RF forward, recover weight back onto LF
7, 8Step RF to R side making 1/8 turn R squaring back up to 3:00, drag and touch LF to RF
(33-40) Heel Grind, Coaster Step, Heel Grind ¼ Turn, Rock Back, Recover
1, 2Step LF forward, grind LF heel turning toe to L side, weight to RF
3&4Step LF back, step RF together to LF, step LF forward
5, 6Step RF forward, grind RF heel turning toe to R side making ¼ turn to R side (6:00), weight to LF
7, 8Rock RF back, recover weight forward onto LF
(41-48) Side Step, Drag, Shoulder Shimmy and Clap x2
1Step RF to R side
2, 3, 4Dip down and drag LF to RF and shimmy shoulders (2,3), touch LF to to RF and clap (4)
5Step LF to L side
6, 7, 8Dip down and drag RF to LF and shimmy shoulders (6, 7), touch RF toe to LF and clap (8)
TAG 1: Add to end of Wall 5
1,2Step RF to R side, touch LF toe to RF
3,4Step LF to L side, touch RF toe to LF
TAG 2: During 2nd 8 count of Wall 7
Slow down the rocking chair to match the speed of the music, and make the following change;
5, 6Rock LF forward, recover weight back onto RF
7, 8Touch LF toe behind RF, ½ unwind turn over L shoulder
During the unwind, make some kind of “big ending” move (arms out, fist pump, make it creative!)
There are 2 options based upon the crowd/venue/DJ
Option 1: Restart the dance after the 16 count break (Kane Brown even counts you in!) and dance the remaining minute-plus of the instrumental finish
Option 2: Phase out the music to end the song/dance at this break
Last Update: 23 Aug 2022