High Beginner
16 count intro, 2 restarts, 1 tag
R side press, ball L side press, ball R forward rock recover, back step lock step
1-2&Press R to R side, recover on L, switch weight to R
3-4&Press L to L side, recover on R, switch weight to L
5-6Rock R forward, recover on L
7&8Step back on R, bring L back slightly crossing over R, step back R
L coaster step, R side point, cross R, L side point, jazz box
1&2Step back L, step R next to L, step L forward
3-4Point R to R side, step R forward in front of L
5-6Point L to L side, cross L over R
7-8Step back R, step L to L side
(TAG/restart wall 5 @ 6:00)
L ½ serpiente
1-2Cross R over L, step L to L side
3-4Cross R behind L, ¼ turn stepping L
5-6Step forward R making ¼ pivot turn taking weight on L
7-8Cross R over L, step L to L side
R sailor step, L behind, R side, L cross rock recover, ¼ shuffle L
1&2Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side
3-4Step L behind R, step R to R side
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover R
7&8Step L to L side, step R next to L, ¼ turn stepping forward on L
(**restart 2 – wall 3 @ 9:00)
R kick point side, L kick point side, L ½ pivot, walk R, L
1&2Kick R toe forward, step down on R, point L toe to L side
3&4Kick L toe forward, step down on L, point R toe to R side
5-6Step R forward making ½ pivot over L shoulder taking weight on L
7-8Walk forward R, L
(*restart 1 – wall 2 @ 6:00)
R cross rock, L cross rock, R kick-ball-change, stomp R, L
1&2Cross rock R over L, recover L
3&4Cross rock L over R, recover R
5&6Kick R to forward, step down on R, step down on L
7-8Stomp R in place, stomp L in place taking weight on L
There are 2 restarts and 1 tag
*Wall 2 after 40 counts
**Wall 3 after 32 counts
Tag: Wall 5 – dance 16 counts, sway R, sway L, restart
Ending – dance 16 counts. Make ¼ turn stepping forward on L to face 12:00 on count 16.
Contact: karuba730@aol.com
Last Update: 17 Jul 2022
R side press, ball L side press, ball R forward rock recover, back step lock step
1-2&Press R to R side, recover on L, switch weight to R
3-4&Press L to L side, recover on R, switch weight to L
5-6Rock R forward, recover on L
7&8Step back on R, bring L back slightly crossing over R, step back R
L coaster step, R side point, cross R, L side point, jazz box
1&2Step back L, step R next to L, step L forward
3-4Point R to R side, step R forward in front of L
5-6Point L to L side, cross L over R
7-8Step back R, step L to L side
(TAG/restart wall 5 @ 6:00)
L ½ serpiente
1-2Cross R over L, step L to L side
3-4Cross R behind L, ¼ turn stepping L
5-6Step forward R making ¼ pivot turn taking weight on L
7-8Cross R over L, step L to L side
R sailor step, L behind, R side, L cross rock recover, ¼ shuffle L
1&2Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side
3-4Step L behind R, step R to R side
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover R
7&8Step L to L side, step R next to L, ¼ turn stepping forward on L
(**restart 2 – wall 3 @ 9:00)
R kick point side, L kick point side, L ½ pivot, walk R, L
1&2Kick R toe forward, step down on R, point L toe to L side
3&4Kick L toe forward, step down on L, point R toe to R side
5-6Step R forward making ½ pivot over L shoulder taking weight on L
7-8Walk forward R, L
(*restart 1 – wall 2 @ 6:00)
R cross rock, L cross rock, R kick-ball-change, stomp R, L
1&2Cross rock R over L, recover L
3&4Cross rock L over R, recover R
5&6Kick R to forward, step down on R, step down on L
7-8Stomp R in place, stomp L in place taking weight on L
There are 2 restarts and 1 tag
*Wall 2 after 40 counts
**Wall 3 after 32 counts
Tag: Wall 5 – dance 16 counts, sway R, sway L, restart
Ending – dance 16 counts. Make ¼ turn stepping forward on L to face 12:00 on count 16.
Contact: karuba730@aol.com
Last Update: 17 Jul 2022