Intro: 16 counts from when the beat starts
Rocking Chair R with Shuffle, ½ Turn Pivot, Repeat on L
1-4Step forward R, rock back on L, step back on R, rock on L
5 & 6, 7-8Shuffle R, step with L and ½ turn pivot
1-4Step forward L, rock back on R, step back on L, rock on R
5 & 6, 7-8Shuffle L, step with R, ½ turn pivot
Cross with Toe Point, ¼ Turn, Walk
1-8Cross R over L, point L toe to side, cross L over R, point R toe to side, cross R over L, point L toe to side and cross L over R, point R toe to side while ¼ turn to L
1-4Walk forward with R, L, R, kick L foot
5-8Walk back L, R, L, R together
Cross Step with Vine, Jazz box, Heel, Step, ¼ Turn
1-4Cross R over L, step L to side, R behind L, touch L toe out
5-8Cross L over R, step R to side, L behind R, touch R toe out
1-4Cross R over L, step L back, R to side, L together
5-8Jump on R heel out, jump on L heel, step with R, pivot ¼ turn on R
Rock Step, Recover, Shuffle, Walk, Kick
1, 2, 3 & 4Step R toward L, at a diagonal, rock L, recover on R, shuffle to L
5,6,7, & 8Step L toward R at a diagonal, rock R, recover on L, shuffle to R
1-4Step forward with R, L, kick twice with R
5-8Step back with R, L, R, L
Repeat facing 6 o’clock wall
One Restart after fifth time of full dance, you will be facing the 6 o’clock wall following the Jazz box, heel, heel, step with 1/4 pivot to L. You will hear the restart in the music
Last Update: 21 Jul 2022
Rocking Chair R with Shuffle, ½ Turn Pivot, Repeat on L
1-4Step forward R, rock back on L, step back on R, rock on L
5 & 6, 7-8Shuffle R, step with L and ½ turn pivot
1-4Step forward L, rock back on R, step back on L, rock on R
5 & 6, 7-8Shuffle L, step with R, ½ turn pivot
Cross with Toe Point, ¼ Turn, Walk
1-8Cross R over L, point L toe to side, cross L over R, point R toe to side, cross R over L, point L toe to side and cross L over R, point R toe to side while ¼ turn to L
1-4Walk forward with R, L, R, kick L foot
5-8Walk back L, R, L, R together
Cross Step with Vine, Jazz box, Heel, Step, ¼ Turn
1-4Cross R over L, step L to side, R behind L, touch L toe out
5-8Cross L over R, step R to side, L behind R, touch R toe out
1-4Cross R over L, step L back, R to side, L together
5-8Jump on R heel out, jump on L heel, step with R, pivot ¼ turn on R
Rock Step, Recover, Shuffle, Walk, Kick
1, 2, 3 & 4Step R toward L, at a diagonal, rock L, recover on R, shuffle to L
5,6,7, & 8Step L toward R at a diagonal, rock R, recover on L, shuffle to R
1-4Step forward with R, L, kick twice with R
5-8Step back with R, L, R, L
Repeat facing 6 o’clock wall
One Restart after fifth time of full dance, you will be facing the 6 o’clock wall following the Jazz box, heel, heel, step with 1/4 pivot to L. You will hear the restart in the music
Last Update: 21 Jul 2022