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Elvis Blues

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Annette Lapp (DK), Lisbeth Thullesen (DK), Lisbeth Bastrup (DK), Inge Lidholm (DK) & Mona Byron (DK) - April 2022
Moody Blue - Elvis Presley : (Album: The 50 Greatest Hits)
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A group from the Senior Team at Kærbo in Ishøj, Denmark has made this dance.
Intro: 16 count

Out, Out, In, In x 2
1 – 2Step right diagonal forward, step left to left side
3 – 4Step right back to center, step left back beside right
5 – 6Step right diagonal forward, step left to left side
7 – 8Step right back to center, step left back beside right

Forward, Together, Forward, Scuff, Rock Recover, Step Left Back, Hold
1 – 2Sep forward on right, step left beside right
3 – 4Step forward on right, scuff left forward
5 – 6Rock Left forward, rock back onto right
7 – 8Step left back, hold

Shuffle ½ Turn Right, Hold, Step Forward, ¼ Turn Right, Cross
1 – 2Step ¼ turn right, step left beside right
3 – 4Step ¼ turn right stepping right forward, hold
*option: Instead of a hold, you can do a hitch with left leg
5 – 6Step left forward, ¼ turn right
7 – 8Cross left over right, hold
Option: instead of a hold, you can do a hitch with right leg

Vine Right with Cross, Side, Touch, Side Touch (clap hands)
1 – 2Step right to right, step left behind right
3 – 4Step right to right, cross left over right
5 – 6Step right to right, touch left beside right (clap)
7 – 8Step left to left, touch right beside left (clap)

Tag: After wall 4 (12.00) do “Elvis Knee” (4 Hip Bumps Left, Right, Left, Right (1 – 4))

Ending: Dance until 20 count on wall 11 and make “Elvis Knee” (12.00) and pose…


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