An Incredibly Versatile Two Wall Line Dance. It Works With Music From A Variety of Genres and is Really Fun to Dance!
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Start with weight on L
S1 (1-8) Stationary Hip Sways (Single,Single Double; Single, Single, Double)
1-2Step R foot hip distance beside L then sway hips RL by bending knees and slightly raising R heel. Neither foot leaves the ground.
3&4Sway hips RLR by bending knees and slightly raising R heel. Neither foot leaves the ground.
5-6Sway hips LR by bending knees and slightly raising L heel. Neither foot leaves the ground.
7&8Sway hips LRL by bending knees and slightly raising L heel. Neither foot leaves the ground.
S2 (9-16) Kick, Twist & Bend, R Pivot ½, R Pivot ½
1Kick R forward
2Step R backwards
3Twist upper torso ¼ to R, while bending at knees “sitting” slightly
4Twist upper torso back to front and straighten legs
5 - 6R Pivot ½; step forward on R, on balls of feet turn ½, shifting weight to L
7 - 8R Pivot ½; step forward on R, on balls of feet turn ½, shifting weight to L
S3 (17-24) Shuffle, Cross & Drag, Step & Cross, Step & Cross
1 & 2Shuffle Forward RLR; Step forward on R, Step ball of L behind R, then Step forward on R
3Swoop L in a clockwise motion in front of R, put weight on L; legs are crossed L over R
4R takes a giant step back, which drags L toe backwards several inches, while keeping L in front of R
5 & 6Step to L side on L, Diagonal rock step RL (similar to “Drunken Sailor”)
7 & 8Step to R side on R, Diagonal rock step LR (similar to “Drunken Sailor”)
S4 (25-32) L Shuffle, Pivot ½, Sassy Walk
1 & 2Shuffle forward LRL; Step forward on L, Step ball of R behind L, then Step forward on L
3 - 4R Pivot ½; Step forward on R, on balls of feet turn ½, shifting weight to L
5 - 8Sassy walk RLRL
No Tags or Restarts
Start with weight on L
S1 (1-8) Stationary Hip Sways (Single,Single Double; Single, Single, Double)
1-2Step R foot hip distance beside L then sway hips RL by bending knees and slightly raising R heel. Neither foot leaves the ground.
3&4Sway hips RLR by bending knees and slightly raising R heel. Neither foot leaves the ground.
5-6Sway hips LR by bending knees and slightly raising L heel. Neither foot leaves the ground.
7&8Sway hips LRL by bending knees and slightly raising L heel. Neither foot leaves the ground.
S2 (9-16) Kick, Twist & Bend, R Pivot ½, R Pivot ½
1Kick R forward
2Step R backwards
3Twist upper torso ¼ to R, while bending at knees “sitting” slightly
4Twist upper torso back to front and straighten legs
5 - 6R Pivot ½; step forward on R, on balls of feet turn ½, shifting weight to L
7 - 8R Pivot ½; step forward on R, on balls of feet turn ½, shifting weight to L
S3 (17-24) Shuffle, Cross & Drag, Step & Cross, Step & Cross
1 & 2Shuffle Forward RLR; Step forward on R, Step ball of L behind R, then Step forward on R
3Swoop L in a clockwise motion in front of R, put weight on L; legs are crossed L over R
4R takes a giant step back, which drags L toe backwards several inches, while keeping L in front of R
5 & 6Step to L side on L, Diagonal rock step RL (similar to “Drunken Sailor”)
7 & 8Step to R side on R, Diagonal rock step LR (similar to “Drunken Sailor”)
S4 (25-32) L Shuffle, Pivot ½, Sassy Walk
1 & 2Shuffle forward LRL; Step forward on L, Step ball of R behind L, then Step forward on L
3 - 4R Pivot ½; Step forward on R, on balls of feet turn ½, shifting weight to L
5 - 8Sassy walk RLRL