CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Island Trio Tango

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Island Trio (CAN), Lynda Maynard (CAN), Debbie Dickie (CAN) & Linda (CAN) - March 2022
Woman to Man - Julian Ovenden
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*Tag #1- wall 1 & 3(6:00, 12:00) ** Tag #2-Wall 2 (12:00) ***Tag #3 -Wall 5(12:00) Restart after each Tag
Sequence of the dance 44c, Tag #1, 48c, Tag #2, 44c Tag #1, 48c, 38c Tag #3, 48c, 32c
Begin after 8 counts

Section - 1 Walk Forward, Hold, Drag, ¼ Left
1-2Step left forward, hold
3-4Step right forward, hold
5-6Step left forward, step right to right side
7-8Turn ¼ left, drag left to right and touch(weight on right) (9:00)

Section - 2 Step, Hold, Two Ocho ½ Turns Right, Left
1-2Step left forward, hold
3-4Step right back ½ left, step right together
5-6Step right forward, hold
7-8Step left back ½, step right together (9:00)

Section - 3 Forward Rock Twice, Hitch, Repeat on Left
1-2Cross Rock Left over right, recover to right
3-4Cross Rock left over right, hitch right knee
5-6Cross Rock right over left, recover to left
7-8Cross Rock right forward, hitch left knee (9:00)

Section - 4 Full Circle weave
1-2Cross left over right, step right to right
3-4Step left behind, sweep right
5-6Step right behind left, step left to left
7-8Step right over left, on ball of left turn ¼ left (weight on left)(6:00)

Section 5 - Left Cross, Hold, Rock recover, Repeat on Right
1-2Cross right over left, hold
3-4Rock left to left side, recover weight to right
5-6Cross left over right, hold
7-8Rock right to right, recover weight to left*** (Tag #3, Restart)

Section 6 - Step Forward, Flick, step back, Hook, Lunge Back, Recover, Triple ½ Left
1&Step right forward, flick left behind right
2&Step left down, hook right over left
3-4Lunge right back, hold*(Tag #1 Wall 1-6:00, Wall 3-12:00 -Restart dance)
5-6Recover weight to left, hold
7&8Step right back ½ left, step left forward ½ left, step right forward (non-turning option shuffle forward right, left, right)**(Tag #2, 12:00)

*Tag #1 done on Wall 1 & 3 Wall 1-Facing 6:00, Wall 3-Facing 12:00
Toe Sweep
1-4Sweep left toe in counterclockwise in the shape of a small circle (Weight remains on right)

**Tag #2 done on Wall 2 - Facing 12:00 (11 Count Tag)
Step left forward, Chase turn ½ left, full turn right, Walk
1-2Step left forward, hold
3&4Step right forward, pivot ½ left stepping, recovering weight on left, step right forward
6 -7Step left back ½ left, step right forward ½ left (non-turning option walk forward left, right)
8-11Walk forward left, hold, walk right, hold
Restart Dance facing 6:00

Bend left, sweeping right into a large figure 8, step right
1-8Bend left knee slightly, draw a figure eight with right extended to the right side (Think Dramatic to fit music), (8)step right together

2 評論

Lyndalou March 25, 2022
Hot hot hot!

Yada March 28, 2022
Excellent! Creative choreography.

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