Note: No restarts or tag. Weight starts on the left.
Intro: 16 counts/7 seconds
[1-8] Toe struts x2, rocking chair
1-4Touch ball of R forward, drop R heel, touch ball of L forward, drop L heel
5-8Rock forward on R, recover to L, rock back on R, recover to L
[9-16] Side right, drag L touch in-out-in, side left, drag R touch in-out-in
1-4Large step to right, drag and touch L in, touch L out, touch L in
5-8Large step to left, drag and touch R in, touch R out, touch R in
[17-24] Step-touch x2 with ¼ turn left, grapevine right, hitch L
1-2Step R slightly forward starting ¼ turn left, touch L next to R (10:30)
3-4Step L to left, touch R next to L finishing ¼ turn left (9:00)
5-8Step R to right, cross L behind, R to right, hitch L knee
[25-32] Grapevine left, hitch R, hip bumps RRLL
1-4Step L to left, cross R behind, L to left, hitch R knee
5-8Step R to right and bump hips right-right-left-left, weight ends on left
Start again!
I hope you enjoy this dance. If you do, I’d love to have your vote on Copperknob & Linedancerweb.
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Brenda’s contact: brenshatto@yahoo.com
Intro: 16 counts/7 seconds
[1-8] Toe struts x2, rocking chair
1-4Touch ball of R forward, drop R heel, touch ball of L forward, drop L heel
5-8Rock forward on R, recover to L, rock back on R, recover to L
[9-16] Side right, drag L touch in-out-in, side left, drag R touch in-out-in
1-4Large step to right, drag and touch L in, touch L out, touch L in
5-8Large step to left, drag and touch R in, touch R out, touch R in
[17-24] Step-touch x2 with ¼ turn left, grapevine right, hitch L
1-2Step R slightly forward starting ¼ turn left, touch L next to R (10:30)
3-4Step L to left, touch R next to L finishing ¼ turn left (9:00)
5-8Step R to right, cross L behind, R to right, hitch L knee
[25-32] Grapevine left, hitch R, hip bumps RRLL
1-4Step L to left, cross R behind, L to left, hitch R knee
5-8Step R to right and bump hips right-right-left-left, weight ends on left
Start again!
I hope you enjoy this dance. If you do, I’d love to have your vote on Copperknob & Linedancerweb.
Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Brenda’s contact: brenshatto@yahoo.com