High Beginner
Intro: 16 counts. Begin on vocals
Wall 3, there is a 2 count tag (sway left, right) after 8 counts then restart
Wall 5, there is a 2 count tag at the end of wall 5 (12:00) 2 small kicks for 2 counts, then start again
Left Jazz Box with ¼ turn Left, Right Jazz Box with ¼ turn R
1, 2, 3, 4Cross left over right, step right back, make ¼ turn left, touch right
5, 6, 7, 8Cross right over left, step left back, make ¼ turn right, touch left.
2 Lindy's
1 & 2, 3, 4Shuffle to the left, rock right back, recover on left
5 & 6, 7, 8Shuffle to the right, rock left back, recover on right.
Dorothy's x 2 or Shuffles, Step left, ¼ turn Right, Left Cross Shuffle
1 & 2, 3 & 4Step left forward, right behind, left fwd., right forward, left behind, right fwd. or shuffle forward left, right, left then right, left, right.
5, 6, 7 & 8Step left, ¼ turn right, left cross and cross
Monterey ½ Turn Right, 3 Walks forward and a Kick
1, 2, 3, 4Point right toe to side, make ½ turn right. Point left toe to side, step down beside right.
5, 6, 7, 8Walk right, left, right and kick left.
Start Again, Enjoy!!!
Wall 3, there is a 2 count tag (sway left, right) after 8 counts then restart
Wall 5, there is a 2 count tag at the end of wall 5 (12:00) 2 small kicks for 2 counts, then start again
Left Jazz Box with ¼ turn Left, Right Jazz Box with ¼ turn R
1, 2, 3, 4Cross left over right, step right back, make ¼ turn left, touch right
5, 6, 7, 8Cross right over left, step left back, make ¼ turn right, touch left.
2 Lindy's
1 & 2, 3, 4Shuffle to the left, rock right back, recover on left
5 & 6, 7, 8Shuffle to the right, rock left back, recover on right.
Dorothy's x 2 or Shuffles, Step left, ¼ turn Right, Left Cross Shuffle
1 & 2, 3 & 4Step left forward, right behind, left fwd., right forward, left behind, right fwd. or shuffle forward left, right, left then right, left, right.
5, 6, 7 & 8Step left, ¼ turn right, left cross and cross
Monterey ½ Turn Right, 3 Walks forward and a Kick
1, 2, 3, 4Point right toe to side, make ½ turn right. Point left toe to side, step down beside right.
5, 6, 7, 8Walk right, left, right and kick left.
Start Again, Enjoy!!!