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No Body, No Crime

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Hanna Pitkänen (FIN) - November 2021
no body, no crime (feat. HAIM) - Taylor Swift
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Intro: 16 counts of heavy beat
Notice that the dance starts on & count after 1. No tags or restarts. The music changes during the wall, so it will be easy to know where you are in the dance.

[&2-8]: Out, out, swivel heel in R & L, weave left, sailor step, swivel both heels right
&2Step right to diagonal forward, step left to left side
3&4&Swivel right heel in, transfer weight right as you straighten heel, swivel left heel in, transfer weight to left as you straighten heel
5&6&Step right behind left, step left to side, step right over left, step left to side
7&Step right behind left, step left next to right
8&step right to side (toes pointing to right diagonal forward), swivel both heels to right

[19-16] swivel both heels left with ¼ turn, kick, step, shuffle fwd, 1/4 pivot, cross, side, behind, ¼ turn, touch
1&2Turn ¼ right as you swivel both heels to left (weight on left) & bend your knees, low kick right forward, step right next to left (facing 3:00)
3&4Step left forward, step right next to left, step left forward
5&6&Step right forward, transfer weight to left as you turn ¼ to left, step right over left, step left to side (facing 12:00)
7&8Step right behind left, ¼ turn left stepping left forward, touch right forward, weight stays on left (facing 9:00)

[17-25] Swivel both heels right & center, touch, side step with 1/8 turn, rock step with ¼ turn, cross, full turn, reverse coaster step, back, back & sweep with 1/8 turn
&1Swivel both heels to right, swivel both heels to center
&2Touch right next to left, 1/8 turn right stepping right to side (facing 7:30)
3&4Rock back left, recover right, ¼ turn left steping left forward as you sweep right from back to front (facing 4:30)
5,6Cross right over left, Full turn left on right foot (finishing left foot over right shin)
7&8Step left forward, step right next to left, Step left back
&1Step right back, step left back as you sweep right from front to back turning 1/8 right (facing 6:00)
EASY OPTION: On count 6 sweep left from back to front (weight stays on right)

[26-32] Sailor ¼ turn, step, ½ turn with sweep, sailor step, sailor step, kick
2&3¼ turn right stepping right behind left, step left next to right, step right forward (facing 9:00)
4,5step left forward, ½ turn left stepping right back as you sweep left from front to back (facing 3:00)
6&7Step left behind right, step right next to left, step left diagonal forward,
&8&Step right behind left, step left next to right, kick right forward
(optional hitch for styling before stepping to press on count 1)

[33-40] Press, swivel, swivel, kick, coaster step, scuff, rock step, back with sweep & 1/4 turn, back with sweep, rock step
1&2&Press right forward, swivel right heel to right, return right heel to center, kick right forward
3&4&Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward, scuff left forward
5,6Rock left forward, step back right sweeping left from front to back as you turn ¼ left (facing 12:00)
7,8&Step left back sweeping right from front to back, rock back right, recover weight to left

[41-48] Press, swivel, swivel, kick, coaster step, scuff, rock step, back with sweep & 1/4 turn, back with sweep, rock step
1-8&Repeat counts 33-40 (facing 9:00)

[49-56] Press, swivel, swivel, kick, coaster step, scuff, rock step, back with sweep & 1/4 turn, back with sweep, rock step
1-8&Repeat counts 33-40 (facing 6:00)

[57-65] Full turn, step, ½ turning shuffle, sweep, sailor step, sailor step out R L
1,2,Step right foot forward as you make a full turn left (finishing left foot touching forward), step left forward
3&4½ turn left stepping back right, step left over right, step right back as you sweep left from front to back (facing 12:00)
5&6Step left behind right, step right next to left, step left diagonal forward
&7Step right behind left, Step left next to right,
8,1Step right diagonal forward, step left to side
EASY OPTION: on count 1 step right forward

[66-73] Cross rock & side x 2, cross rock & ¼ turn, step, lock, step
2&3Cross rock right over left, recover weight to left, Step right to side
4&5Cross rock left over right, recover weight to right, step left to side
6&7Cross rock right over left, recover weight to left, ¼ turn right stepping right forward (facing 3:00)
8&1Step left forward, step right behind left, step left forward

[74-81] Cross rock & side, cross rock & ¼ turn, ½ turn & sweep, coaster step, lock, step
2&3Cross rock right over left, recover weight to left, step right to side
4&5Cross rock left over right, recover weight to right, ¼ turn left stepping left forward (facing 12:00)
6½ turn left stepping right back as you sweep left from front to back (facing 6:00)
7&8Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward
&1Step right behind left, Step left next to right


Ending: Dance the third wall up to count 8 of the last section [74-81] (leaving &1 out), on spot pivot ½ turn to right on left foot (facing 12:00)

Have fun dancing!

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