CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Numa Numa

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Yohanes Michael (INA) - December 2021
Intro 30 counts

Tag : 32 counts
At the end of wall 3 face 12.00, wall 6 face 06.00, wall 8 face 06.00

Sequence 1: Stomp-swivel, Coaster Step, Stomp-swivel, Coaster Step
1 & 2Stomp RF Forward (1), Swivel both heel to R side (&), Swivel both heel back in place (2)
3 & 4RF Step back (3), LF Step next to RF (&), RF step forward (4)
5 & 6Stomp LF Forward (5), Swivel both heel to L side (&), Swivel both heel back in place (6)
7 & 8LF Step back (7), RF Step next to LF (&), LF step forward (8)

Sequence 2: ¼ Paddle turn, Jazz box
1 2Step RF forward (1), Making ¼ turn to left with hip roll facing 09.00 (2)
3 4Step RF forward (3), Making ¼ turn to left with hip roll facing 06.00 (4)
5 6 7 8Cross RF over LF (5), Step LF back (6), Step RF to side (7), Step LF forward (8)

Sequence 3: Walks, Side Shuffle, Half Pivot Turn, Forward Shuffle
1 2Step RF forward (1), Step LF Forward (2)
3 & 4Step RF forward facing 03.30 but the body still on 12.00, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward facing 06.00
Noted : Raised up and down for both of the hand while doing shuffle
5 6Step LF forward, Make a ½ turn to Right facing 12.00 and change the bodyweight to RF
7 & 8Step LF forward, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF forward

Sequence 4: Bota Fogo, Kick ball step, ¼ Turn to Left
1 & 2Cross RF over LF, Step LF to side, Recover with RF
3 & 4Cross LF over RF, Step RF to side, Recover with LF
5 & 6Kick with RF, Step RF back, Recover with LF
7 8Step RF Forward, Making ¼ to left facing 09.00 with the bodyweight on LF

Noted : the focus is on the hand, we just soft the knee and bouncing while doing the hand movement
Sequence 1:
1 2Wave both of hand vertically in front of the chest facing 13.30
3 4Clap, clap facing 13.30
5 6Wave both of hand vertically in front of the chest facing 10.30
7 & 8Clap, clap facing 10.30
Sequence 2:
1 2Wave both of hand vertically in front of the chest facing 13.30
3 4do the action like calling someone with both of the hand
5 6Wave both of hand vertically in front of the chest facing 10.30
7 & 8do the action like calling someone with both of the hand
Sequence 3:
1 2 3 4Turn with RF facing 06.00 and make a wave with Left hand horizontally
5 6 7 8Make a wave with Right hand horizontally

Sequence 4:
1 2 3 4Make a wave with Left hand horizontally
5 6 7 8Step LF forward facing 03.00, Step RF forward facing 12, Step LF forward facing 09.00, Touch RF next to LF facing 06.00

Enjoy the dance!!

1 評論

Herman Baso December 29, 2021

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