CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Never Want To Meet Another Woman

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Intermediate / Advanced
A.A.J.D (UK) - December 2021
Never Wanna Meet Another Woman - Larry Fleet
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Start on the words 'I'm done '

Slow Prissy Walk x3, Rock 1/4, Hold, Cross, 1/2, Sway, Sway.
1, 2, 3Step right forward across left slowly, step left forward across right slowly, step right forward across left slowly.
4 & 5aRock left forward, recover onto right, 1/4 turn left step left forward, hold.
6 &Step right over left, 1/2 turn right step left back.
7, 8Sway hips right, sway hips left.
*Restart - Wall 3*

Cross, 1/4, Slow Back Rock, 1/2, Slow Back Rock, 1/2 Sweep, Behind & Cross, Sweep Cross & Cross.
&a 1, 2Step right over left, 1/4 turn right step left back, rock right back slowly, recover onto left.
& 3, 41/2 turn left step right back, rock left back slowly, recover onto right.
&a 5 & 61/2 turn right step left back, sweep right out to right side, step right behind left, step left to left side, step right across left.
a7 & 8Sweep left to left side, step left across right, step right to right side, step left across right.

Slow Prissy Walk Diagonal x2, Mambo, Hold, Back Lock Back, Hold, Coaster.
1, 2Step right forward diagonlly across left slowly, step left forward diagonally across right slowly.
3 & 4aStep right forward diagonlly, step left next to right, step right back diagonally, hold.
5 & 6aStep left back diagonally, step right back across left, step left back diagonally, hold.
7 & 8aStep right back, step left next to right, step right forward, hold

Sweep Weave, Sweep Weave, Hitch 1/4, Slow Prissy Walk x2, Rock 1/2, Hitch 1/2.
a1 & 2Sweep left to left side, step left across right, step right to right side, step left behind right.
a3 & 4Sweep right to right side, step right behind left, step left to left side, step right across left.
& 5, 61/4 turn right hitch left knee, step left forward across right, step right forward across left.
7 & 8 &Rock left forward, recover onto right, 1/2 turn left step left forward, 1/2 turn left hitch right next to left.

*Restart - Wall 3 after Sway Sway.

Note: When dancing this dance, you must listen to the music to help with the count of the dance.
It is all about the track of music and following the flow of the song.

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