CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Intan Payung

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Phrased Improver
Sophia KSF (MY) - November 2021
SEQUENCE : ABB B- ABB AAA (B- dance to 16c)
Start 17 sec into music

PART A (32c)
Section 1 : Press RF forward, both hands above head, hip lifts, back rock recover x 2
1-2Press RF forward(1), both hands above head, curving inwards(2)
3&4Right hip up, down and up while still pressing RF forward
5-6Rock RF back, recover on LF
7-8Rock RF back, recover on LF
Section 2 : Cross Shuffle flick LF, cross and unwind full turn
1-2RF cross over LF, LF to left
3-4RF cross over LF, flick LF to left
5Cross LF over right
6-8Unwind full turn (During count 7,8 - both index fingers hitting invincible drum)

Section 3 : Jazzbox ¼ right, cross and side point
1-2Cross RF over left, step LF back
3-4RF to right with ¼ right turn, forward LF (3 o'clock)
5-6RF to right, LF point over RF
7-8LF point left, LF point over RF

Section 4: LF to left, ¼ left turn to RF right, ¼ left, forward 3 steps, Jazzbox ¼ right
1-2LF to left, RF to right with ¼ left turn (12:00)
3&4¼ left turn, run forward left right left (9:00)
5-6RF cross over left, step LF back
7-8RF to right with ¼ right turn, step LF next to RF (12:00)

PART B (32c)
Section 1 : Kick & point x 2, 3 steps back, unwind ½ turn left
1&2Kick RF forward, step RF next to LF, point LF to left
3&4Kick LF forward, step LF next to RF, point RF to right
5&6Walk down right left right
7,8Touch LF behind RF, unwind ½ turn left, ending weight on left

Section 2 : R side rock recover, RF behind left, L side rock recover, LF behind right, R side rock recover
1-2RF to right, recover to LF
3-4RF behind left, Lf to left
5-6Recover to RF, LF behind right
7-8RF to right, recover to LF

(B- : Restart after this section)

Section 3 : R diagonal forward, step back left popping R knee x 2, forward together twist R, L, R
1-2RF small step diagonal forward, step on LF and popping right knee at the same time
3-4RF small step diagonal forward, step on LF and popping right knee at the same time
5-6RF forward (squaring back), LF next to RF
7&8Twist both feet together to right, left, right

Section 4: L rock forward recover, left coaster step, R forward pivot ½ turn left, walk forward right left
1-2Rock LF forward, recover on RF
3&4LF back, RF step next to LF and forward LF
5-6RF forward, pivot ½ turn left
7-8Walk forward RF then LF

Enjoy and feel free to put your traditional flares to this fun song!

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