CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hey Now (Iko Iko)

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Maria-Luise May (DE) - 25 September 2021
Iko Iko (My Bestie) (feat. Small Jam) - Justin Wellington
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Walk 2, Mambo fwd, back 2, mambo back
1-2step forward right - step forward left
3&4rock forward right - recover weight onto left - close right next to left
5-6step back left - step back right
7&8rock back left - recover weight onto right - close left next to right

Mambo side r + l, ¼ turn l mambo side r + l
1&2rock right to right side - recover weight on left - close right next to left
3&4rock left to left side - recover weight onto right - close left next to right
5&6¼ turn left/rock right to right side - recover weight onto left - close right next to left
7&8rock left to left side - recover weight onto right - close left next to right

Rocking chair x 2 (option: step - pivot x 2, rocking chair)
1-2rock forward right - recover weight onto left
3-4rock back right - recover weight onto left
* (Option 1-4
*step right forward - ½ turn left onto left
*step right forward - ½ turn left onto left
5-6rock forward right - recover weight onto left
7-8rock back right - recover weight onto left

Paddle full turn r, paddle full turn l
1&¼ turn right/step forward right - close left ball next to right
2&¼ turn right/step forward right - close left ball next to right
3&¼ turn right/step forward right - close left ball next to right
4¼ turn right/step forward right
5-8repeat 1-4 turning to the left, starting forward left

Tag/Bridge 1 at the end of wall 1, 3 and 4
Side - touch r+l (with shoulder shimmies)
1-2step side right - touch left next to right (option: add shoulder shimmies)
3-4step side left - touch right next to left (option: add shoulder shimmies)

Tag/Bridge 2 at the end of wall 6
Side - touch r + l (with shoulder shimmies) x 2
1-2step side right - touch left next to right (option: add shoulder shimmies)
3-4step side left - touch right next to left (option: add shoulder shimmies)
5-8repeat 1-4
Last Update - 7 Dec. 2021

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