Start on lyrics "Look" approx. 32 beats in. - No tags or restarts
( 1-8 ) Walk forward x 2, rock forward, recover, walk back x 2, rock back, recover
*Options: Slight jump onto rock forward (count 3 ) with L back flick,
On count 7, step back with a low kick on the L
1-4R step forward, L step forward, R step forward, L step in place
5-8R step back, L step back, R step back, L step in place
( 9-16 ) Point, step forward x 2, point step back x 2
*Options: Slight dip on the steps in front & behind
1-2R point right, R step in front of L
3-4L point left, L step in front of R
5-6R point right, R step behind L
7-8L point left, L step behind R
( 17- 24 ) Step, cross rock, recover, step, cross rock, recover, step, touch
*Options: Back flick on cross rocks counts 2 & 5.
1-4R step right, L cross R, R step in place, L step to left
5-8R cross L, L step in place, R step right, L touch together
( 25-32 ) Heel, step, 1/8 right heel, step, 1/8 right heel, toe, heel, step
1-4L heel forward, step back to R, 1/8 right turn R heel forward, R step back to L
5-81/8 L heel forward, toe touch back, heel forward, step back together.
( 1-8 ) Walk forward x 2, rock forward, recover, walk back x 2, rock back, recover
*Options: Slight jump onto rock forward (count 3 ) with L back flick,
On count 7, step back with a low kick on the L
1-4R step forward, L step forward, R step forward, L step in place
5-8R step back, L step back, R step back, L step in place
( 9-16 ) Point, step forward x 2, point step back x 2
*Options: Slight dip on the steps in front & behind
1-2R point right, R step in front of L
3-4L point left, L step in front of R
5-6R point right, R step behind L
7-8L point left, L step behind R
( 17- 24 ) Step, cross rock, recover, step, cross rock, recover, step, touch
*Options: Back flick on cross rocks counts 2 & 5.
1-4R step right, L cross R, R step in place, L step to left
5-8R cross L, L step in place, R step right, L touch together
( 25-32 ) Heel, step, 1/8 right heel, step, 1/8 right heel, toe, heel, step
1-4L heel forward, step back to R, 1/8 right turn R heel forward, R step back to L
5-81/8 L heel forward, toe touch back, heel forward, step back together.